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Posts posted by AnneMarriott

  1. 18 hours ago, alison said:

    What???  Oops.  Hope you were able to get a replacement :(

    Sadly, no.  My subscription has been extended by one week, apparently.  I was given a link to a web page for listings but I was unsuccessful in getting at it.  I didn't want to buy another copy while shopping in case the whole print run was similarly affected, so I made do with the Sunday paper listings (only to find that SkyArts listings only started at 12 midday each day so any forthcoming ballet didn't feature).  

  2. On 30/11/2020 at 15:34, zxDaveM said:


    The body of Vader, but not the voice (that was James Earl Jones)

    Yes - I didn't realise for a long time.  I had been very impressed by Dave Prowse's American accent ...

    • Like 1
  3. On 18/10/2020 at 09:38, bridiem said:


    And, the problem is that the more people who say this sort of thing the more it becomes the norm and so will be deemed to be OK (because 'language changes all the time' etc). Even highly educated people now say (for example) 'Me and John went out for a meal' instead of 'John and I...'. Why?? They wouldn't say 'Me went out for a meal'!! (I think it's a kind of inverse snobbery, conscious or otherwise - not wanting to sound educated/correct/pompous. Very depressing if you ask me.)


    The opposite is also irritating:  "The invitation is for John and I".  As you say, no-one would say, "The invitation is for I".

    • Like 5
  4. 15 hours ago, Fiz said:

    Oh, Talk Talk are the very worst! We ditched them in 2012 and I can still remember the nightmare they were to deal with, from start to finish. You have my sympathy. 

    Same here.  I still wake up in a cold sweat remembering the agony of trying to sort out problems with our bills.

  5. Poor grammar.  Contestant on a quiz show, apparently a university graduate in English and drama, claims to be a writer and when asked what she has written, says "I have wrote a play".  Is it just me who wants to throw a cushion at the television?

    • Like 7
  6. Gangs of teenage schoolkids cavorting about in the supermarket without a mask between them.  No member of staff attempting to do anything about it.  Several adults guilty too (not cavorting).  There's a limit to the number of glares I can muster in one shopping trip.

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, HowMuch! said:

    Perhaps a bit weird, but I read somewhere that banana peel was meant to help get rid of them??? My DD has one which looks even worse after using bazuka, so we might give banana peel a go. 



































    1 hour ago, Dancingsantosisters said:

    Banana is exactly the home remedy we're using !! Soooo this is the one I've been told works 🤷‍♀️... fresh garlic clove cut in half and rubbed on the verucca, then place a metal washer over the verucca- the hole in the middle needs to be big enough for the whole verucca to be seen. Then you cut a piece of banana skin the size of the washer and put that on top of the washer. Then use medical tape to tape to the foot overnight. Take off in the morning and repeat every night until its gone. My friend did this with her son and within 2 nights it was gone !! I'm praying for the same results 🤞🙏 xx


  8. 10 hours ago, MargaretN7 said:

    I have it on my TV OK but on my dvd recorder it has picked up Sky Arts as channel 11 but no programmes showing on the guide so can't set to record. Anyone else have this problem?
    There's no way I'm going to get up to watch ballet at 6am or thereabouts which is when they seem to be showing such programmes.

    No problem with us - Sky Arts is on Channel 11 where it should be and the TV guide shows the programmes so we can set to record as usual.  Hope you can get this sorted - it's a nuisance since the dance programmes all seem to be early in the morning.

  9. Well at last!  I have now rescheduled our recordings for the second time after a successful retuning.  I've set to record Australian Ballet on Tuesday 22nd 7am - 9 am (for anyone who has missed it) as a trial. fingers crossed.  Apart from that I haven't seen anything of interest.


    And I hope Alison's right, that Rhapsody and 2 pigeons will reappear some time.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, bridiem said:


    Glad it wasn't just me who still didn't get Sky Arts after retuning... maybe we should try again later? Who knows.


    2 hours ago, Rob S said:

    I retuned my tv at 7 this morning and it still broadcasts Pick on channel 11 despite a box on screen saying it had moved to 34 🤦🏻‍♂️🙄

    We've had the same disappointing experience - and managed to clear our recording schedule!

  11. On 11/09/2020 at 06:57, bridiem said:


    I would 'like' this post but it might give the wrong impression! Sounds absolutely awful, Anne. 

    Update.  To my surprise and delight a gas engineer came and serviced our boiler yesterday, on time, just as promised.  Not only that, we had a call from Corgi Homeplan to check that he had turned up, and an email feedback request.  Late in the day, but all very welcome.

    • Like 7
  12. Can I include Corgi Homeplan here - even though not once have they mentioned the virus?  I have a policy with them for boiler maintenance, part of which is an annual service.  Last year it took place in May.  This year in early July the boiler switched itself off.  Bruce went through a rigmarole of trouble-shooting and got it going again.  I started ringing Corgi to request a service.  Here we are two months and numerous phone calls later - still no service.  Each time I ring I'm told an engineer will contact me within 24/48 hours.  Never happened.  To rub salt into the wound Corgi emailed me a couple of weeks ago, with an identical follow-up letter, saying that the boiler service was now due, an engineer had been trying to contact me without success, so would I ring (the usual number) to arrange an appointment.  I did so.  Usual story.  I rang again, this time being patched through to an engineer who undertook to come on Monday, 7th September and carry out the service.  He rang on Monday morning - unable to come after all but would ring the next day to rebook.  Guess what?  I rang Corgi.  This time the apologies had progressed from basic through deep and were now profound.  The call centre lady promised to call me back personally.  Guess what again.  I am so cross I could spit!  I tried to ease my feelings by sending an indignant email complaining bitterly and demanding a refund of part of the not-inconsiderable cost of the policy.  Imagine my pleasure when I got an email back promising a reply within 72 hours.  Still waiting.

  13. 11 hours ago, 2dancersmum said:

    I'm going to throw in inconsiderate people who light bonfires when its this hot - horrible smell when you open the windows but you need them open evenings and early mornings to get some cooler air in

    As a vegetarian I find neighbours' barbecues just as bad!

  14. Vets - and not for the first time.  I recently had my cat's blood and urine tested because of excessive drinking and weight loss.  Because the results revealed nothing untoward, I was persuaded to agree to a heart scan and blood pressure measurement because of an existing heart murmur.  Well I claimed on the insurance for the first set of investigations but the vet has seen fit to link the two sets of investigations together for insurance purposes under the general heading of "heart murmur".  Needless to say anything connected to heart murmur is excluded from our insurance policy because it was an existing condition when we rescued the cat in the first place.  So I claimed a modest amount for investigations that were (as far as I know) unrelated to the heart murmur,  but the vet has apparently submitted two claims for the same investigations at the same cost with two different reference numbers.  When I rang the practice to ask for clarification I was told that the vet was away so I would need to discuss it with her next week.   I only hope my cat doesn't have an accident and break a leg - doubtless the vet will claim that the accident only occurred because the heart murmur slowed down her reflexes.  Not happy!

  15. 6 hours ago, alison said:


    You have a new dog, Anne?

    Yes, a whippet bitch called Bluebell.  She's described as "blue with white trim" which rather makes her sound like a Ford Anglia.  She's four months old and is now allowed out in public, showing a keen interest in anything that moves at more than snail speed - cue lots of recall training!  Bruce is brave enough to take her and Freddie out together, Freddie off the lead.  

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