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Posts posted by bridiem

  1. 6 minutes ago, LinMM said:

    Incidentally does anyone know how to access a full cast sheet from the actual website ( on an iPhone!) 

    Earlier today I could access it from the performance page but now it’s Oct 4th showing so wondered how to access the cast sheet once a performance is over so to speak. 
    I usually access from the email the ROH send you when you’ve booked a performance about “your up and coming performance” and scroll down and can get casts from there but as not going until 11th a bit of a time to wait. I’ve never worked out how to do it from their website!! 


    On the ROH home page, go to Tickets and Events at the top and scroll down to Cast Sheets. Tonight's is there at the moment.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, MAB said:

    Perhaps someone should start a favourites thread.  Definive means to me getting so near to perfecyion in one particular role that you've never seen that role bettered.  After giving it a great deal of thought I was only able to name three damcers that gave such benchmark performances that I very much doubt they will be bettered in my lifetime.


    The fact is with most of the great ballet roles you will see far more than one interpretation in your ballet going lifetime that will knock your socks off 


    Interesting comment, MAB. But I think that there's a difference between being 'perfect', in which a more objective assessment can be involved, and 'definitive', which will be different for each person depending on what they see in and want from a role/performance. i.e. if an interpretation knocks your socks off, it could be definitive for you even if not objectively perfect.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    This thread has been going for weeks now yet so far no one has chosen Viviana Durante for any role. Really? She was by far the most gifted and expressive ballerina of her era at the Royal Ballet and thankfully some, at least, of her greatest performances are captured in good quality recordings. If I had to go for just one, I’d pick her pairing with Irek in Mayerling but her Giselle and Aurora are also still burned into my memory.


    She was undoubtedly gifted, but I was never convinced by her apparent expressiveness which to me was always only on the surface.

  4. 12 minutes ago, capybara said:

    I’ve just been reading all the many links (thank you Jan and Ian) and was somewhat taken by surprise at this headline in the Telegraph: Tamara Rojo is no longer in charge - yet saves the evening. Whaaaaat?


    For anyone who hasn’t got behind the paywall, Mark Monahan then praises the new Les Noces to the skies while giving scant attention to the other works. Fair enough that he expresses his views, of course, but very harsh towards the new AD.


    That isn't the headline on the review of his that I can see - it just says 'English National Ballet enters a new era – with mixed results'. So not sure where the Rojo headline comes in? I did however notice Jonathan Gray's review last week in which he implied that her departure has liberated the company! Ho hum.

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  5. The problem with directors who change the whole rep when or soon after they arrive is that it effectively becomes their company, not the company they inherited. All companies have a history and heritage without which there would be no company, and I don't think it's right for a new director to pay lip service to this whilst then re-making the company in their own image. There has to be a balance between the director's vision and the company's history/heritage.


    I don't think that Kevin O'Hare gets this balance quite right; not in that he has a big vision (or a big ego) but in that he focusses too much on only the new and the classics (including the MacMillan 'classics' but not, for some reason, the Ashton 'classics'). He pays lip service to the history/heritage, but doesn't on the whole programme accordingly. I can't really understand why this is.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, alison said:


    Well. That's far from what it says in the programme, surely?


    Yes. The programme note says:


    'The chosen one is sacrificed. A ghost, she watches the debris of her death. She is carved into their lives. she stands at the fringes of their world: sometimes brushes against thoughts, sometimes against routines. A mother's love, a brother's rage, a father's duty.

    The sacrifice, their collective hope machine - promises returns - abundance and satisfaction. The exchange of life for more? For what? They return empty handed. How many times should they repeat the sacrifice? A vote is cast. A family reunion awaits on both sides of mortal shores.' 

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