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Posts posted by Peanut68

  1. 36 minutes ago, balletmummy said:

    Anyone else with a 12 year old dd going through puberty who is all over the place and out of kilter/lack of co ordination and control/concentration/focus/usual enthusiasm?


    She loves her dance but things seem to be going haywire for her right now!



    Am right with you here.....you have perfectly  described my frustration this evening with 12 year old son! General loss of interest/focus across the board (school/music/sport/dance).....with cries of 'I don't want to do it anymore' or 'I don't know what I want' with associated self anger/tears/angst. Do I keep to timetabled things or let him opt out? Have told him he has to honour commitments made (music exam/dance show) but that in future he must think long & hard before agreeing to do something.....tough love? Am worried he could so easily slip into a life of not joining in & miss out on socializing & taking part. Neither do I want to try mould him against his will or wishes into something that is not 'him'....aghhHHH! Is this why at gone midnight I'm on computer reading forum with glass of wine to hand??? ;)

    • Like 5
  2. Oh I think I'd pay for that ribbon sewing service....!

    On that point, is there at all a market for selling a brand new pair of pointe shoes that DD 'perfectly broke in ready to dance in' but that she grew out of before I (yes...apparently that was my job...Hmmmm) got round to sewing ribbons on & elastics & darning.....almost £50 thrown away is gutting.....:(


  3. Hi,  it could also mean that your child has that wonderful innocence of youth so sadly missing in the many hot housed super coached 'elite athletes' that our young dancing kids are increasingly becoming these days. I'd say read this as something to know about so she can identify & hang onto those qualities to then use when - as an adult dancer - she can recall & re-enact as she hopefully dances the roles of say Clara or Juliet!


    On this point, I am troubled by the year on year higher attainment at ever younger ages.....fine for competitions, exams or mere showing off....but I have yet to see an 11 year old cast as Odette/Odille in a professional company production! Sure, they might be able to execute perfectly 32 fouettes en pointe.....but can they convey passion/desire/loss/despair? I'd be rather worried if an 11 year old could indeed portray accurately these emotions! I want to see children be children & adults be adults.....oh, perhaps with that exception of Clara/Juliet etc  :-) Mind you, nothing I am sure can surpass the perfect casting of the 15 year old Alessandra Ferri as Juliet with RBS as I understand she did.....I'm pretty sure I have some time on TV seen snippets of this - does anyone know if a DVD is available of this performance if indeed I have this right? Would love to get a copy it if so!

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  4. You clearly love dancing or you wouldn't be putting yourself through this challenge....so, forget everything but that! Be in the moment...the moment of dancing because you love it, because it moves you, because it is you! Oh, plus the good old (sorry folks for the non PC terminology.....) showbiz adage of 'Tits & Teeth' always holds true...a smile & good posture go a long way to making you look & therefore be confident! Good luck!  xx

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  5. It was all truly uplifting & showcased the talents of current - & former pupils - the piece you mentioned Pictures was a complex & very accomplished composition - beautifully sung! Obviously Jordan Li Smith is a rising music star from previous years at the school....

    I am just amazed that any school could in such a short time put together such a polished & high standard performance.....Thanks due to the dedicated staff who time & again get the very best from our kids.....they are very lucky!

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  6. Well getting to go has taken some serious family negotiation & now am manic organizing everyone's clothes/meals/list of who needs to be where for what at which time etc! Plus yet to shop for said ping food meals, walk the dog, wash rugby kit, clean boots, pack bag, oh & get ready myself before I leave 11 latest....bet this sort of routine sounds familiar to many????

    Hubbie has said the I can have the cost of the petrol & the ticket as my Valentine's present.....what a romantic :wub: !! Probably beats the roses I wouldn't have actually got anyway  - ha ha!

    Will report back how the concert was & Karen - hope you make the next event! I miss lots much to the sadness of DD & me but that's life at times I guess :(


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  7. Yes, I do still have ticket....I am able to go, just had got a ticket in the hope my Dad would go but he's not up to a long drive sadly....

    Send me a pm with a mobile so we can text to liaise at Cathedral Eowyn....I have a long drive up so in car from around 10am but will check on here before I leave.

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  8. 2 years of failed JA auditions followed by lack of confidence meaning DD did not even want to try again for the final possible JA year. First year of applying for SS was an outright no, the next 2 years were waitlist places so a little glimmer of hope for that hallowed dream of being a 'Royal' followed finally by that golden yes for the Easter Course! I have been quite cynical about the fees charged for merely applying & wonder if it is just a waste of effort & money but guess this eventual yes makes it all seem ok after all! I do wonder how they can truly select from photos but am guessing that with only a relatively few places to fill they will a) have knowledge of many applicants from JA's/other courses & insider ballet world knowledge plus an indication from levels attained & amount of weekly training. In defence of their selection process....in all reality, DD was not the 'right' JA shape back in the day & it is pure good fortune that as she has aged physique changes have naturally changed to be closer to the perceived 'Royal look' as described to me by those in the know.

    Good luck for Mids & future dancing!

    • Like 6
  9. At the risk of adding yet more confusion to this blurry topic....I do seem to recall some years back following a JA audition the letter came saying Mr 'you know who' has placed DD on the 'Directors Wait List'.....at the time had no one to talk to & compare this to know if this was what all waitlist places were called (had not heard of this Forum then!)  I assumed (correctly I'm sure) that there was just one wait list & that if places came free they would be allocated to the next most appropriate wait listed candidate (of similar age/gender to the one declining place). However, the following year, got what I presume was same result for JA audition although this time it was termed as the Selected Wait List.....Summer School applications I think referred to just waitlist (or might have been Select or Short WL?) so I think it's anyone's guess as to what it all means :huh:. I think if ever on a waitlist we all hope our kid will get a place eventually & failing that I think we should all just think that perhaps they were next in line! I really doubt that Associate Schemes (or even full time schools?) really do tell people how high up they are on these waitlists as that could raise false hope & make disappointments all the more bitter. However, one year I do seem to remember hearing from a few quarters that they had been told that their kid was 'top of the reserve list' & 'next in line' etc....Hmmm...at the end of the day not one of these got places on the course in question but I did hear on another who did so makes one wonder if a little 'wishful thinking' gets added into the conversation?

    I think Piccolo hit the nail on the head & gives really sound advice when saying "Best to keep well out of it" !

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  10. I read it as only Hong Kong gave the opportunity to audition (which makes sense based on distance & likely home location of participants there) & actually am glad that the week at WL won't get overtaken with the added pressure & distraction of seeing at as audition. Just want DD to have a great time dancing with kids from other schools/places & experiencing teachers new to her  & all that that will bring!

    JA's are generally encouraged to apply I think & as they do not have to pay the £27 application fee am sure it's a no brainer to send in those pics! I had heard from a WL mum that they were actively encouraged to apply for both the Easter & Summer courses (indeed comment was they felt quite pressured to do so). No idea if this will mean many are WL full timers on course or not but either way just feel so happy for those non WL kids who will get to experience it & live out their dreams - even if only for a week! :)

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  11. Well, it's finally that hallowed yes after years of rejections or wait list places for my (now not so) little girl's dream to come true.....to get to go to White Lodge! Albeit just for one week at Easter but as it's the oldest group before the Summer courses etc are held in Covent Garden, it is thrilling that she will get to dance in the place she has long dreamed of going to!

    Very happy email on Friday.....just the minor issue now of how to raise the not inconsiderable sum....Looking forward to being a Royal mum for a day to watch classes there on the last afternoon :)!

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  12. On ‎04‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 07:37, Pas de Quatre said:

    Do you have to always return home? When dd was at Vocational school we sometimes made it into a weekend away for us all.  Perhaps you could look out for suitable hotel offers nearer to the school.

    Generally we drive the 2.5 hours to stay with Grandfather as better then the 6 or so home!! Plus can use his washing machine & he cooks the best Sunday Roast lunches ever (at 89!!)


    Have also discovered the merits of getting points on credit card to stay free/cheap at various chains....but takes a while to add up. Prem Inns etc never seem to be cheap when/where we need to be even when I look months in advance though do need to explore perhaps a bit further afield...The real killer is for the family not to all be together as brother still has school so only one parent can go up to get there for 4pm on a Friday...sigh. But - she's happy & doing great so all good!!


    That's great if you get some travel assistance...be interested to know outcome.....I suspect for us they will say other schools are closer (well, yes, RBS is was not successful when auditioned for yr 7....so does this make her current school the closest to fulfil needs I wonder?? Might have to look into this so thanks for the heads up & good luck!

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  13. going a little off the point here - sorry - but have to say I'm jealous of your 80 mile train trip.....ours is 270 miles so a roundtrip is 540 miles with no practical train route possible....an awful lot of hours...an awful lot  of petrol....an awful lot of costa coffees....it's the extra hidden costs such as these that are really hard to finance!

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  14. I think each year there are a few new starters in each year. They are made welcome & soon feel one of the yeargroup I am quite sure! Plus there is always something they are working towards which requires them to work as a team (a show/demos for open days/the Carol Concert) so this helps solidify them. After a term I bet any feelings of being the new kid on the block will have gone! Good luck to her - it's a really caring & all round great place to be!

  15. This will be my DD's 3rd year of going...has always enjoyed it & gained in performance quality each time. Groups seem large but doesn't seem to have been an issue. The pastoral care is great too which is nice for us parents to know! It seems too short each time but TBH that is one of the reason's my DD has only done this one...short = much cheaper than the week long summer schools elsewhere :), another plus for us parents!


    I am going to repeat here a comment I have made in another topic:-

    Word of advice....take care when seeing professionals who have little/no experience of dancers/sportspeople. We saw a podiatrist when heel pain struck who basically said straight off don't expect to ever dance again. The fear & panic that a massive life change may be enforced onto a child was awful & incredibly tactless & inept I thought. However, a change of daily footwear (away from dreadful flatter than flat Velcro fastened shoes), paying more attention to stance, leg alignment & reminding not to roll all helped improve the situation swiftly - as did just settling into the new height/body shape after growth spurt. If we need advice/help/physio again I would certainly seek out a dance/sports specific professional & steer away from those whom mostly see Johnny Average.

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  17. I am going to repeat here a comment I have made in another topic:-

    Word of advice....take care when seeing professionals who have little/no experience of dancers/sportspeople. We saw a podiatrist when heel pain struck who basically said straight off don't expect to ever dance again. The fear & panic that a massive life change may be enforced onto a child was awful & incredibly tactless & inept I thought. however, a change of daily footwear (away from dreadful flatter than flat Velcro fastened shoes), paying more attention to stance, leg alignment & reminding not to roll all helped improve the situation swiftly - as did just settling into the new height/body shape after growth spurt. If we need advice/help/physio again I would certainly seek out a dance/sports specific professional & steer away from those whom mostly see Johnny Average.

  18. Interesting again to see how normal changes in a child often appear magnified in a DC due to the intense training & let's face it, frankly unusual positions/movements they do! 

    Word of advice....take care when seeing professionals who have little/no experience of dancers/sportspeople. We saw a podiatrist when heel pain struck who basically said straight off don't expect to ever dance again. The fear & panic that a massive life change may be enforced onto a child was awful & incredibly tactless & inept I thought. however, a change of daily footwear (away from dreadful flatter than flat Velcro fastened shoes), paying more attention to stance, leg alignment & reminding not to roll all helped improve the situation swiftly - as did just settling into the new height/body shape. If we need advice/help/physio again I would certainly seek out a dance/sports specific professional & steer away from those whom mostly see Johnny Average.

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