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Everything posted by csmith263

  1. Thanks JulieW we're from Nottingham I'll have a look for some boys workshops and take it from there see how he gets on as long as he's happy. He told me this morning he's writing to ask Father Christmas for a ballet barre tonight lol!
  2. Thanks everyone I'm so new to all this it and it all seems to be moving very quickly which has freaked us out a bit I suppose I just thought he wants to do ballet so he'll go to a class each week and never thought past there but within months he's been told he's ready for an exam and maybe we should put him in this extra class and that extra class and we should think about holiday workshops in particular boys only classes etc! He's totally self motivated and is very driven and so proud that he's a boy who dances! I know it's impossible to predict the future it all just feels a bit of a whirlwind!! Lots of great advice thanks.
  3. Hi, I'm a new ballet Mum my ds who's 9 has been dancing a short while approx 3 months and he seems to be quite talented he's been put in for his first exam already and I suppose what I want to know is how do I know if he's got what it takes and encourage him to pursue his dream by getting him in to extra classes and workshops etc or encourage him to keep it as a hobby?
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