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Posts posted by amos73

  1. Sorry, have no idea Pointeyourtoes but I think your DD has done super well to get a recall for year 9! And as I recall we were talking on here earlier this week about our dd's hearing the panel discussing candidates in the audition? And you said your DD had picked out the ones in the room she thought would get recalls. So I'm guessing she didn't think she would?! Am super happy for you that she did! Fantastic news.

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  2. Saturday evening brought yet another cast in Rhapsody and yet more debuts in Pigeons. Choe  gives a lovely account of the Collier role and managed to make more of the wrist flicks than either Hayward or Osipova have done. A small detail I know but it is the observance of such small details that contribute to great performances, I am sure that O'Hare must be very happy to be able to muster three casts of soloists for Rhapsody. It certainly says a great deal about the technical standards in the company.  However while Zucchetti  can execute the steps he did  not look as if he was completely at home in the choreography. His performance is at the bravura end of the spectrum but his performance did not look as effortless as it should have done and had a rougher edge to it than McRae's did.


    Two Pigeons saw Ball and Stix Brunell  make their official debuts in Pigeons. They both danced the choreography as set but brought out details which had been missing or not brought out sufficiently by other casts. This Young Girl  was not the sweet little thing that most of the other dancers had made her. She seemed to me to be more in the Seymour mould  than the others and she made the section in which her actions tell the audience that she has realised that she has gone too far register. With Ball there were occasions when I hardly noticed that he was dancing not because he was dancing badly but because the narrative was completely integrated into his dancing. In the second act he made far more of the section where the Young Man, having been bound with ropes pulls himself along one rope and wraps it round his waist turns and repeats the action, than any of the other Young Men had done. His performance  reminded me of David Wall particularly in that section. The reconciliation pas de deux was beautifully done. Clare Calvert made a strong debut as the Gypsy Girl.


    Three more performances this week and then we wait to see whether Two Pigeons slips back into oblivion or whether it is revived in future seasons and whether in due course a DVD is issued.  


    I can't help wondering whether Amos 73's  mystery dancer at the matinee was Stix Brunell? 


    I wish I knew too! I did email the school's matinee people at ROH and ask but no answer ...

  3. Email, outofmydepth. We were Sunday in London and they said up to two weeks. The first result we have heard of on here was yesterday for Bath and that audition was exactly two weeks earlier. So I would think you don't need to start manically 'refreshing' yet!

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  4. The fees at YDA are a lot less than the fees at other vocational schools though, @£3800 per term I think. 

    And as far a I am aware they often give scholarships to talented children who couldn't afford the full fees.


    Plus, they have just had their most recent lot of GCSE results and achieved the highest in the London Borough, beating schools such as the London Oratory, which is selective. For a small school that has range of mixed ability intake academically this is amazing.

  5. Totally agree Joyofdance. And schools that encourage that I find dubious. Also, the prevalence of social media accounts showing this sort of thing is a real problem. Not least because a photo is just that a photo. It gives no real indication of how good a dancer the person in it is! And how many attempts they took to achiebe the position for long enough to take a picture etc.


    Of course flexibility is important, but it should be developed carefully and never at the expense of technique and strength to use it.

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  6. I don't think there have been any royal results yet have there? Where did you audition? We were just Sunday so expecting a few weeks wait (and not expecting finals either so not really stressing about it). Thank goodness Elmhurst and Tring came through quickly. But even so those six days waiting were excruciating!!!


    Hope you hear soon!


    Thanks lema, I already feel I can't concentrate! Last year after finals it was only a couple of days for us but applied for more schools this year. Not even a week since the last audition and I'm guessing another 10 days or so before we hear so I really should switch off! Guess im worried about lots of things, I know to some it probably sound ridiculous as we can't control anything. I think having others to talk to that are going through the same thing makes it easier and perhaps that's what I'm lacking near me. Any advice appreciated!
    Amos- waiting on royal for now and summer school!

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