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Posts posted by bethany

  1. very interesting replies thank you. 

    Why do I have a niggling feeling that we might find ourselves in this position in a years time?

    I agree it almost feels worse to get the offer with no funding than to get no offer at all.

    Fingers crossed for us all.

    Hoping my younger child chooses something a bit less confusing! 

    • Like 3
  2. Hi again, I just thought of another query if you don't mind? 


    If your children were successful in securing a place but not in securing funding what would this say to you about their potential?

    I've just had a discussion with 2 mum's from our local dance school. One feels that to get a place is a good achievement in itself (we didn't go into details but I got the impression she would potentially be able to fund her daughter's place). The other felt that it indicated they are not up to the required standard so would be worried about self funding even if she could afford?


    I realise this is another one of those questions that comes down to personal opinion but I'd be interested to hear what you think.





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  3. Just wanted to say that I've read all your messages and opinions. 

    I wasn't sure whether to ask on here with it being a ballet specific forum but I'm glad I did - lots to think about!

    I'm sure it's not going to be an easy decision whatever she decides but I'm at least hoping to make sure she has all the information she needs. 

    Thanks very much. 

    • Like 10
  4. Thank you all for your help. 


    I can understand those of you who would recommend the A level route but it's very difficult when that's not what she wants to do. However,  I will discuss this with her as another option (relevant A levels and local dance training for 2 years).

    I'm encouraging her to keep an open mind while we gather all the information. 

    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Picturesinthefirelight said:

    My daughter is 16. She had originally planned to do A levels at normal school & audition at 18 but following advice and feedback from her current teachers they felt she was ready at 16. 


    SLP offered her a scholarship if we committed to them with a deposit - but didn’t indicate the amount just it would be less than a Dada so we haven’t paid the deposit for that. She was also offered a musical theatre scholarship at the private Abbott’s Bromley School but only 10 per cent. She could have done a btec plus 2 A levels there but we can’t afford it. 


    As well as Dada Hammond offer generous bursaries so we are hoping if she doesn’t get a Dada she may get a bursary that will be affordable. If that’s not the case her back up will probably be the Btec Extended diploma at a local dance school with an excellent track record of getting students into college at 18, or normal academic school & travel to as many high quality dance school classes as possible. (Hoping it doesn’t come to that). 


    Thank you for sharing this. It sounds very similar to my daughter's plan. I hope it all works out for you both. 



    • Like 1
  6. Yes it's definitely a big step and one I'm not entirely comfortable with. There's a lot to think about.

    I will look into those other suggestions and we will add the Hammond to her list of summer schools to think about (She has a list of 4 and I've asked her to pick 1).

    Pictures in the firelight can I ask if your daughter is 16 or 18? If she is 18 what has she been doing for the last 2 years and have you felt this has been a good, useful experience for her?

    Have you got a back up plan if she doesn't get funding?

    Don't feel pressured to answer - I completely understand if you don't want to give any personal information. 


    • Like 2
  7. Thank you both.


    I think long term her ambition is to have her own dance school but she would certainly like to work in the dance industry even if just for a short time. 

    It's so competitive though that I have asked her to think of a back up plan and she says this would be going into teaching earlier rather than later. 

    She would like to go away at 16 which is why we have started looking now in year 10 and we have been to quite a few open days. Northern ballet school and SLP are both within commutable distance but only just so at the moment she says she would rather live away from home. As a mum, 16 seems very young to be leaving home though so I would favour a longer commute over moving out! 

    She loves ballet, modern / jazz and musical theatre (but pointe is not yet strong so she is realistic about her ballet skills). She can sing in a chorus and has done local musical theatre shows, panto, English youth ballet etc. She hasn't done ballet associates. 

    Personally I would prefer her to do btec / A levels at home and then move away at 18 but only if we found somewhere of a good standard. She's not totally against the idea but it isn't her first choice. If she does stay at home she definitely wants to do performing arts / dance related subjects. She's not interested in doing academic A levels. 



    • Like 1
  8. Hello, 

    I have some questions related to studying dance at age 16-18 if anyone can help please. I have quite a few questions but I hope it's ok to put them in one post?

    Background information - my daughter is currently in year 10 and we are trying to get all the information together to apply next year ready for a year 12 start the year after. Her main love is ballet but she is not at a level to go to vocational ballet school so we are looking at a more general dance course but definitely one that includes ballet. We live in the North so have mainly been looking at Manchester and surrounding areas so far but would consider others. 


    As far as I can see we have 3 options:


    1) Study extended btech dance / performing arts. 

    The benefits that I can see for this option are that it is free and it would count as A level standard if she wants to then go on to university. 

    We are lucky to have 2 colleges reasonably local (one specifically a dance college and one on a general college campus) that have very good reputations locally. 

    The downside is that I'm not sure if they're respected within the dance industry. I'm not sure if this is because the training is at a lower standard or if they are considered an easy option? - I was wondering if anyone has any comments about this type of training?


    2) Apply to a college that offers the chance for DADA funding / level 6 training eg Northern ballet in Manchester

    Unfortunately we are not in a position to self fund but we can afford the parental contributions if she did secure funding (which I know is a big if). We have looked into a few of these places and she feels they would be a good option. 

    My questions for this option are:

    Can you use the level 6 qualification instead of A Levels to apply for uni if you wanted to go on to do a full degree course?

    If you accept DADA funding can you still apply for university student loans for fees and cost of living at a later date?

    Is it realistic to top up to a degree in 1 year assuming it was in the same subject or in reality is it a case of starting a degree course from scratch?


    3) Study dance or performing arts at a private college (for example Phil Winstons theatre works)

    This is ideal in some ways as it is studied over 3 days a week so the student can work and contribute to their own fees. In order to accept students from age 16 then I understand they must be classed as further education but they don't seem to offer an actual qualification. 

    I understand that these places are about being 'industry ready' but what if that doesn't work out. Can you use these courses towards any further study? 

    Am I right in thinking that this type of training is usually entirely self funded? 


    Any opinions / advice would be appreciated. Especially if there are any other things we can look into or if you think we have misunderstood anything. 


    Thank you 


  9. Thanks for the information. It sounds good  :)


    My daughter loves ballet and works very hard but she is not really at a standard to do it as more than a hobby. It's hard to find things that are challenging but not restricted to those dancing at a very high level. 

  10. Hi, could you link to some details please. What is the name of your summer school?


    Also, can I have some information about your audition process. Is it suitable for a keen dancer taking 3 to 4 lessons a week at a dance school but not doing any associates etc (age 12)?


    Many thanks  :)

  11. My daughter is 11 and has recently made friends with a couple of girls who do IDTA ballet. 

    Can anyone explain what the difference is please between IDTA and ISTD as I have no idea! 


    Her new friends are both approaching the end of grade 4 and my daughter who does ISTD is only part way through grade 3. She has got herself a bit worried about this.....do the grades correspond or would you expect a difference? She loves ballet but it is for fun rather than as a future career so I'm not too concerned about her being in a low grade but would like to give her some reassurance.


    Also, out of curiosity really does anyone know what IDTA medal tests are please? 


    Thanks for any help :-) 

  12. I don't think we need to worry about senior auditions then. If my daughter auditions she will be 11 and in grade 3 (istd). I know it's probably unlikely she'll get in but she can try for nothing, it's all good experience! Thanks again 

  13. sorry to change the subject but do you how how EYB decide whether an 11 year old will do the junior or senior audition?

    I thought it was as simple as 11 is junior and 12 is senior! What about pointe - do they expect all the seniors to be on pointe, I'm guessing not if they are putting 11 year olds into the older group? 

  14. Hi, I wonder if anyone could help please?

    My daughter is nearly 11. She is crazy about ballet and loves dance in general. She gets fairly high marks in her exams (usually a high merit or low distinction) and is a good but not exceptional dancer. She is at a good standard for her dance class but not really good enough to do any associate programmes etc. 

    What sort of things could she do that she would enjoy and help her to improve but that are not as competitive or audition based? Is there anything? 


    Thanks for any suggestions 


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