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Posts posted by SMabbutt

  1. So sorry to hear the news. Finding this site when things were difficult was wonderful and I am grateful that he made it possible for the forum to function. Sending all who knew him my sympathy.

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  2. I would bring a baby to the cinema and be very surprised if I wasn't allowed in. When I had young children I didn't have family who could babysit so if I went somewhere baby came too. I would of course sit near the exit and leave the show if the baby started crying or causing any disturbance, but if timed right a young baby will often sleep through. It sounds as if the man caused more distraction than the child anyway.

  3. This is my Dad's 3rd year and she has really benefited from the classes. The teachers are very positive and encouraging. There is a ballet class with guest teachers and an exercise/skills class. There is an emphasis on safety so she has learnt a lot about how her body works and how to exercise and develop safely. When we have been able to watch at the end of the year it is amazing to see how hard they work. I have little technical knowledge never having danced myself, but I know my DD enjoys the classes and has grown in knowledge as well as skills.

  4. There is a cat scheme in Nottingham. It's at Dance4 and is on Saturdays 10.30 - 4.30. They do Pilates or ballet alternate half-terms plus contemporary dance technique and choreography classes. The scheme includes a theatre trip each term. Additionally they do a 2 day Intensive in October, 4 days at Easter and a 5 day residential in the summer.

  5. Thanks for the update on OPES everyone. DD will miss it as she's attended for several years but unfortunately we won't be able to make the dates for either of the alternative schemes this year. We had planned around the dates in previous years so are already busy for these weeks. 

  6. Have you tried advertising them in smaller bundles or on on Gumtree? They look lovely, and you obviously aren't asking very much if you average it out per costume.  However, I know I would find it a stretch to be able to buy everything, especially as I know my daughter wouldn't use all of it. Hope you get a buyer soon.

  7. On 17/08/2018 at 14:03, LinMM said:

    That would get my blood pressure up to V!


    I want to put in room 101 those people who are arguing for Parliament to relax the rule on vaping ...eg allow it on buses etc!!


    i appreciate these things help people give up the cigarettes but vaping to my mind is very unhygienic ....especially in enclose spaces like a bus! They often have horrible smells and the person vapes out much more and further than with ordinary smoke ( just stand next to someone in a pub) in reality I feel they are blowing any germs they may have over quite a wide area ....I almost dislike them as much as cigarette smoke which seems to stay in a more confined area at least. 


    I agree, the vape is awful and really builds up in a confined space. I was at a petrol station at our local Sainsbury's earlier in the year and as I was waiting to pay I glanced back at the pumps to check I had my pump number right. I was horrified to see a car with clouds of 'smoke' billowing out by one of the pumps. The cashiers were also alarmed, as you could hardly see the car and we initially thought the car was on fire. Then we saw the driver emerging from the fog with his e-cigarette and realised it was just his vape escaping when he opened the door. He must have been driving with the window up so it had built up in the car. Goodness knows how he could see anything.

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  8. Having had a very quick google for "flight group booking how to" there are links to booking agencies and specific airlines with information about how to arrange a booking for 10 or more pople. For example Ryanair ask you to contact by phone or email and thry will sort it out. If you have found flights for your itinrary with a specific airline just add the airline name to the search and you should get to see how they manage this. Or you could just go to agency like netflights or flightcentre and check out their procedure. You could be very cheeky and make an enquiry for the flights and get a quote etc to show in your assignment, but you might risk getting stuck on a mailing list.

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  9. I've just had a look  at the Reed site and there is a course called Certified Microsoft Office Essentials - CPD Certified & IAO Approved for £25 which has exactly the same modules, with modular exams and lifetime acces plus a tutor available. The downloaded certificate is free and a hard copy cots from £9 so it looks like a cheaper option. Plus you get an NUS extra card giving you various discounts. I've only had quick look, but if everything else checks out this looks like you would get the same skills and if you want the certificate it could work out even cheaper with extra perks.

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  10. We have also had lots of roads limited to 20mph, and not all appear to have any obvious reason for the restriction. The most difficult aspect of keeping to the speed is that other vehicles then tailgate or shoot past without taking proper care. Even the local buses and police seem to ignore the 20mph signs and I have had some rude gestures when I'm obeying the speed limit. It can be quite intimidating.

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