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Posts posted by tattielashes

  1. Thanks everyone. That's 3 children from the forum through, well done to them all. Balletmum what do they do in final audition? Letter says to bring character skirt but R does ISTD so has never had one. I'm worried in case that goes against her.

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  2. From what you say I'd consider moving her. If she's getting bored that's not good. My daughters school doesn't rush them through the grades but the children do exams when they're ready even if it means they're entered on their own.

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  3. I'm torn....we were going to audition (haven't before) but she's just got a year 6 place for September at the hammond which means she wouldn't need time out of school on Fridays.

    Given it's unlikely she'd get in anyway due to competition I don't know whether to just not apply?

    It's so hard...

    MrsMoo I'd be inclined to email rbs and just explIn about the dyslexia. It can't hurt xx

  4. My dd has been in a perpetual state of excitement since getting her acceptance letter on Thursday. Adding to the excitement is the fact that they've told us all details of uniform etc will be sent out over the summer.....She has been speculating ever since on what this could possibly be. I'm assuming it'll just be a leotard? Her dance school wear same colour leotard from prep class through to majors so the thought that she might actually get to wear a different colour and style is very appealing to her!


    Can anyone help put her out of her misery and give us a clue as to what colour they have?!!


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  5. My dd auditioned in Manchester yesterday for the 1st time. They told us that results would not be out until all the preliminary round auditions were done and to expect them in about 3-4 weeks via email.

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  6. Jelli has reputation for being v flashy. I'm sure they are v good at what they do. Most of the dance mums uk girls who trained with nazene Danielle are there now.

    Nazene so is an excellent school but they compete all the time so it depends if that's for you or not.

  7. My 9 year old is at NLDA. She's been there since she was 2. Miss conroy, the principal is an examiner with the ISTD and very big on technique. We are not a big competition school, but the children get to take part in professional pantos etc.

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