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Posts posted by amanda-w

  1. Hi southerndancemum, I can't recommend Trings CBA program enough my dd auditioned last November and started January this year alongside doing a program at elmhurst too. The progress she's made by adding these associate programs alongside her local ballet classes this last year has been amazing. She's so much more technical and confident in her abilities now. She found the audition class for the CBA quite basic, not too challenging and very enjoyable. I'm sure your dd will be fine. Good luck for November, I find the audition process so exciting x

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  2. Has anyone every heard of anyone getting off the reserve lists for year 9 or 10 places.

    My dd has accepted a MDS place for year 9 and she was on the reserve list :- ) so it does happen

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  3. She'll be starting year 9 and I think the new starters arrive Sunday am and then the other boarders arrive in the afternoon. I might be wrong but that's what a gathered from reading the email today with the term dates etc..she can't wait to get her uniform list :-)

  4. That's really sad that they would say that , we had a similar situation where when my dd was coming up to year 7 she was told by her old dance school only to apply for royal ballet. Talk about narrowing down your chances :-( I'm so glad we moved dance schools last year, if we hadn't then my dd wouldn't be starting Tring in September. If the associate program is anything to go by and the teachers on the Easter program then I would say the teaching is amazing :-) I would ignore them and good luck for September x

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  5. The main ballet class is 1 1/2 hours then they have a small break and have a 45 minute coaching session. I think they group them in ability/level rather than age as in my dd's group there's probably a range of 10-13 year olds. Dd does grade 6 ISTD lessons at home to give you an idea of her level. Her group starts at 10.30 but the higher grade group start later, I think about 12ish but it might change from September.


    Tring school is just off the high street so I think most people go off for a wander and a costa coffee which is very close. I don't know that much about the area as I tend to stay on site. Someone else might be able to tell you more about what's on offer in Tring.

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  6. That's about the same distance away as us, I don't mind the drive as it's such a nice place to visit it's worth it. I'm sure you will get an audition, I didn't see a cut off date on their website :-) good luck x

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  7. ooh, thanks spanner. Upon looking at the website it is the 'classical ballet academy' I was looking at! Do you have any experience of this??

    If you are within travelling distance then I would recommend it, it's well worth the journey for us as they do some good work there and DD loves it. The work is challenging and DD gets lots of corrections which she likes :-)

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  8. Have just dropped DD off for the Easter course, she also does the CBA and have to say I am so impressed with the teaching and the enthusiasm they put into their associate programs. From what I've experienced of Tring so far I think it's amazing and can't wait for her to start in September :-) My DD is without a doubt a classical dancer but as she loves all dance styles I think Tring is going to be the best place for her and she loved the accommodation :-)

  9. Dd doing it too, she's 13 and this will give her a taster of life to come from September so it'll be a good experience for her and a nice peaceful week for me :-) we weren't planning on taking character shoes or skirt as it didn't mention it in the letter but now I'm wondering if we should ...uummm!!

  10. Tring now has WIFI so the children can SKYPE every evening (if they remember they have family!! lol).  It is true that they can have their phones from 6pm to bedtime.  The first Exeat is usually the 2nd weekend so the children can have time to settle in, then on roughly every 3rd weekend. My daughter has been at Tring for 5 years now, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask x

    On exeat weekends do they leave on the Friday after lessons or the Saturday morning?

  11. Is there anyone on her with a DD in the current year 8 at Tring on the dance course. My DD is so excited to be starting year 9 in sept and we just have a few questions we would like to ask someone with experience of the school like how often they're allowed home etc, Is it true they have no contact with parents in the first month (or is this just a rumour). We have many questions so maybe I could pm someone in the know :-)

  12. Thanks everyone, we are indeed celebrating :-) we were beginning to feel like her dream was slipping away. She will be going into year 9 so we have left this vocational school journey quite late anyway and I was very conscious that she would only get one more try before GCSE's started.


    Kiwimum6 .... We love the term Tringiling ...love it :-)

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  13. After the original disappointment of msking it through Trings funding audition and getting to physio and then a No email .... We are delighted to have had a call yesterday and my DD has been offered a MDS award at Tring. We are absolutely buzzing right now :-)

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  14. Sorry to hear it was a no for abitwornout & Amber21 it was a no for one of my students for RB but there was no letter for the other one yesterday! So I guess she will hear today....! I think they were told 3 weeks until Elmhurst results will arrive which is a long wait!!

    DD said they said in the audition the end of the week ...oh no I hope it's not going to be 3 weeks

  15. Was anyone else at the elmhurst finals yesterday. DD was group 3 and auditioning for yr 9 and said she had a great day and met a group of really lovely girls who were also auditioning for years 8 & 9. My DD wants to say Good luck to all of them x

    We absolutely love elmhurst and this is the letter I'm dreading opening.

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