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Posts posted by afab

  1. Yes I suppose you could compare it to Tring with much older students... 

    i have 2 DDs at LSC, one in 2nd year in the contemporary section, the second one is in 1st year and thinking ballet for the moment. 

    The number of 3rd year Ballet varies. I think they were 6 or 7 last year.

  2. Hi Goldenlily, I'm afraid I can't help you as my daughters are in the BA course. If you have questions about it, I can help. Your question about the standard compared to Royal or ENBS lets me believe you're interested in the Ballet stream... Don't forget it's a school that does lots of other styles as well as Ballet and they are amazingly good at it but for someone purely Ballet orientated, I'm not sure it's the best school... For a start, even though they do Ballet every day, they wouldn't do as many hours as in RBS, Central or ENBS because they also have to fit Contemporary and Jazz as well as Singing and Drama for the ones who chose to do so... It is actually the multitude of options that makes LSC so good and put their alumni everywhere...

  3. If you search the forum, I have explained the whole principle a few years back and it hasn't changed as far as I know. No exceptions that I ever heard of for the format of the auditions.


    The school closes every weekend and you MUST have a contact person in the Paris area because they don't keep kids who fall ill at the school. They have to be fetched.


    Auditions after the age of 13 are private auditions.


    And also, the children must follow the French school curriculum the whole time they are at school, in French of course...


    Good luck to your DD!

  4. Hi Dancermum,


    DD2 had her prelim at Central at 11 in the morning last year. After the class, they were asked to wait for about half an hour and they were given enveloppes with the results in it. Some of them got a no, a few got a yes. The final audition started at about 2 if I remember well...

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  5. My 3 DDs were homeschooled with the French distance programme which allows dancers, musicians, sport orientated children, ill children also, to work from home. DD1 and DD2 sat their French GCSEs and Baccalaureate and passed with flying colours. DD3 also passed her French GCSEs easily but decided when we arrived in the UK to go to school for the last 3 years... 


    All that to say that when DD1 and DD2 auditioned successfully at Tring (they were 14 and 12), the fact they were homeschooled wasn't a problem at all for the school. In the end, they didn't go but the homeschooling gave them a very rich education and they were less tired and free to travel and do any class they wanted on top of their 20 something regular hours of dance a week.

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  6. 16 year olds can only study the Dip level of qualification. 18 yr old applicants have the option of the Dip or the BA(Hons). Hence the reason I believe that so many continue with their A levels and apply at 18. Thus ensuring a backup Plan B is already in place. 




    Late answer sorry but I just wanted to add to this comment.

    For most of this colleges, age i.e. under or over 18 is not what is relevant. To be offereda place on a BA (Hons), you must have passed A'levels or equivalent irrespective of your age. If you come from Scotland where they do their Highers at 17 or if you have been accelerated at school and have already passed A'levels, you can get in a BA Hons before 18 unless the school specifically states you have to be 18 (Millelium for example). Not at Bird, Urdang, LSC nor Rambert...


    My 2 DDs started a BA Hons and got offers at respectively 17 and 16.


    Having said that, I agree with the fact that having A'levels or equivalent is a wise move for the future.


    Hope it helps...

  7. She would love to train there but not sure we'd be able to afford it with the lower rate of loans, and means tested scholarships. We always just fall into the bracket where you get no assistance, but with a mortgage and a daughter at medical school do not have a lot of surplus. 

    Just in case people wonder... LSC students get £6000 from Student Finance for the fees. This is valid (so far) for UK and EU students. Students can also get more as a Maintenance loan depending on the parents income. That's where it's different for UK based or non UK based students. But we weren't UK based when DD1 started and she still got the same loan as if we'd live in the UK. My experience is that non UK based British students get the same as UK based ones. EU students only get help with the fees. It might change soon of course...

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  8. Years ago....they used to have a classical course. You had to be advanced (old grade) to audition and elementary level for Mt. Perhaps with new teacher they may have these types of aspirations again.

    They still have a classical course... My DD is part of it.

  9. Both my DDs did early and later auditions and both got offers from the early ones. I don't think it makes a difference either. Plus that way, their minds were more free to concentrate on academic exams later on in the year.

  10. Ah, auditions!!!


    After 2 very scary and emotional  years with DD1 and DD2 auditioning for dance schools and both getting into LSC a year apart, I thought I'd have a break until DD3 decided she wanted to try for the 6th form Drama Course in Tring!!!!! So, here we go again... Tring audition in January...


    I wanted to go for a 4th child after 3 children in 4 years, lucky my husband talked me out of the idea!!! ;-)

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  11. Hi all,


    Old forum members might remember that we've been trying a move back to the UK for quite some time now and some lovely forum members have even helped trying to find a good ballet school for DD1 and DD2 wherever we were trying to move at the time...


    So I'm now very happy to announce that we have managed a move back! Amazingly all the stars suddenly aligned and DH found a job and DD3 found a school exactly where we wanted to go all that in the course of less than a week! We jumped on it, of course!


    Last week this time, we were living in France and since Saturday we are very happy, albeit slightly shell shocked, residents of Abingdon, Oxfordshire! Or we will be as soon as we find a house, a hotel is our home at the moment!!!


    And as usual I'm turning to you all with the hope of finding one (or more than one) good ballet/all round dance school(s) for DD3. She's not as big a dancer as her big sisters (who are happily settling in London in their dance degree courses) but still wants a "serious school with a good level" (her words)... She's also very much a theatre girl so if any of you also know of good drama schools around here, feel free to either message me or answer me in here... We are a few miles away from Oxford but I can travel with her if needs be...


    Thanks a lot in advance!



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