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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. Scarey but i am not suprised. Young children training to become ballet dancers constantly observe the professionals. They notice the physique and shape. Also our young dancers are in the mirror every day, my daughter actualy said to me 'I don't know what I look like, as every mirror in my school (studios) is different'.

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  2. 13 to 18 years, it is advertised in the dancing times with all the other summer schools. Just thought with all the over seas training discussions this may well be a summer school to look at if your children wanted to tap into some Russian training. There is also an excellent Russian training school in London.

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  3. I have just come across this summer school in the dancing times. I just wanted to ask Primrose, is this where your daughter trained. The summer course runs from the 28th July to 1st August. I think that I may look into this summer course as I have heard good comment about the school and the teachers. The web site is www.bristolrussianballetschool.com or info@bristolrussianballetschool.com. Has anyone had experience of this summer school before? After reading everybody's comment regarding training from overseas, perhaps my daughter would enjoy having a try at the Russian method of training.

  4. That is fantastic news little Ballerina, see everybody you do not have to send your children away at such an early age. So many children have done fantsticaly well this year who have not attended vocational schools. You are such a lovely young lady little ballerina and you deserve to do well. Fingers and toes crossed for you and I know my daughter will be pleased for you. You will see each other at Elmhurst summer school.

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  5. The accademic side of Tring is excellent and personally I cannot fault it. The dance teachers at Tring are mostly lovely and my daughters ballet teacher at the moment is so lovely with her students and very caring. The school is not perfect but what school is. I have had personal issues but I choose to keep them personal. Everyone has their own journey to persue, one school will suit one child but not another. Training abroad I don't know anything about, but it appears that evidence is proving to show that some schools abroad are training their students to a much higher standard. At Tring some students are allowed to do extra curricular activities, for example my daughter was allowed to perform with London Children's ballet and that was exhausting but so rewarding, she has also been allowed to do lots of other things. So basically there are very mixed messages about tiredness and different teaching methods.

  6. Bankrupt mum I think that you are a breath of fresh air. What has happened to your daughter is devestating, but you have positively moved on clearly showing your daughter that her world has not ended. I understand where you are coming from when you say often you are a spectator in your childs life. I often feel like that, and to feel like that for four years is a long time. Yes it does take a lot of guts and determination but also a huge bucket load of disapointments along the way. The world our children have entered is a very very harsh one and if they are lucky to make it to a company there will also be the same harsh knocks along the way. I could not live in this ballet world, but my daughter loves it even with all the harsh knocks that she has had. Would I allow her to persue this environment again if I had the choice, I really could not answer this question. Good luck to your daughter Bankrupt mum, I believe that this time next year, you will have a very, very happy daughter.

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  7. I think that it is up to the dancer to decide that one, depending on age ofcourse. Usually a older child who is determined to succeed in a classical career will have researched all the requirements that are necessary, and regardless of vocational school or where ever they train, something in them will make them fight for this need to dance. A true dancer never gives up unless ballet gives them up.

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  8. I don't think that Primrose was having a go at this school, infact I think she had put some very positive comments forward regarding the school, however she gave a very balanced view of what the school was about. It came across to me that the Russian style of training is absolutely high standard, however like a lot of dance schools you are expected to stick to their rules. As members of the forum it is good that we get a balanced view of opinions and as individuals we can make our own minds up.

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  9. I did not like this show at all. It wasn't safe or healthy. I only caught the end of the programme and to me it was like a gladiator rink, with children flinging themselves around a dance floor, crashing into each other. The mothers were shameful screeching and blowing buggles. It is something that I have never seen before.

  10. It was new point shoes. They are Gaynor Mindons and the best she has ever had, unfortunately when my daughter was getting used to them, she said that it was hard to go on demi point until the shoe was broken in at that point, or something like that.

  11. My daughters big toe nail is hanging on by a thread and is very painful. The only thing is that she is still having to do her 6th form auditions. If her toe nail comes off altogether will she still be able to do her point work or will it damage any new toe nail that is growing underneath. She has told me that she will just put up with the pain.

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