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Posts posted by Legseleven

  1. Yes, you can get the Bloch pointe shoes which have an integral suede toecap in the UK, they are available in our local dance shop although I can't remember which Bloch model they are. Not sure if they have the gel inside the toe. DD wears Bloch Sonatas which have a small cushioned section inside the toes.

  2. I hope that pointe shoes aren't 'prescribed' by the teacher just to try to keep the feet smaller than they would otherwise become, as that is uncomfortably close to Chinese foot binding! Seems a touch draconian to me. I would also be uncomfortable with a teacher deciding that every girl would be ready to start pointe work at a particular age, as there are such huge differences in pointe readiness between girls of the same age.

  3. Sorry to hear that your DD was disappointed, Belleballerina. Even though it may simply be due to her recent growth spurt it must be hard to understand why, having been with NYB for three years, she didn't get a recall this year.


    It isn't too late to apply for the Yorkshire Assembly (Louise Browne Yorkshire Scholarship Centre) summer school. It runs from 6-9 August at Queen Margaret's School in Escrick, York and my DD (she turns 12 next month) would highly recommend it! She has applied again this year, having loved it last year.

  4. I suppose that a child with the desired long legs and short torso at 10 or 11 may lose those proportions after a growth spurt - or conversely, their legs could lengthen at that stage? I don't know enough about likely patterns of physical development to be sure.

    I freely confess that I may have imagined reading (a long time ago, in Camilla Jessel's book 'Life at the Royal Ballet School') that parents were looked at when children auditioned for Y7. I suppose this would be done at final audition stage? Not sure how, though - quite obviously or as surreptitiously as possible?! The mind boggles...and as you say, toomuchtalent, the idea of asking for photos of parents alongside those of children...?! ;-)

  5. I also think that looking at parents (if this is still done - I seem to remember reading that it was done at RBS at one time) or asking for parents' heights on an application form is very hit and miss and as you say, in cases of adoption or the use of donor eggs/sperm, useless. Perhaps it was thought that looking at parents would give an idea of a child's genetic inheritance and their likely adult shape and assist in selecting the children most likely to retain balletic proportions as they grew and therefore those less likely to be at risk of being assessed out for that reason.

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  6. Presumably one of the issues is whether a child who has all of the required physical attributes when auditioning at 10 or 11, usually pre-puberty, will still have those attributes once puberty has arrived? Although the schools can (and I understand do) look at parents for an idea as to how the child will develop physically, there must be some heartbreaking cases where bodies change substantially after puberty and a professional ballet dancing career is no longer possible.

  7. So sorry, charlie4dancin. Sometimes my grandma's saying 'it never rains but it pours' is very appropriate.


    Holding thumbs that something good is just around the corner for your DD. x

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  8. My daughter's RAD international vocational examiner teacher suggested that the change in policy, allowing but certainly not recommending split soles in all exams, was due to concerns about the high cost of soft pointe shoes when the RAD is a world wide organisation and holds exam sessions in some 'third world' countries and when there is also a global recession. I was under the impression that soft split soles rather than soft pointe split soles were therefore acceptable as I don't imagine that split sole pointe shoes are any cheaper than full soles..but I could be totally wrong on that!

  9. Could you contact them and ask whether in the circumstances they will email the result to you, charlie4dancin? At least then there is a chance that you might know before you go on holiday. Even if they refuse, you won't lose anything by asking.

    Keeping fingers crossed for you and your DD and for everyone awaiting results x

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  10. Glad you heard from them and I hope that those times work for you and your DD?


    The Yorkshire Ballet Scholarship Centre (previously the RAD Yorkshire scholars) run their own summer school at Queen Margaret's school, which is in Escrick, a lovely village close to York. It is indeed separate from the Yorkshire Ballet Seminars summer school, but as that is held in York and as the initials for the two separate summer schools are so similar, it often causes confusion!

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  11. I don't know I'm afraid, but the staff at YBSS were very approachable when my daughter attended the summer school last year so perhaps you could give them a call/email to ask?


    My daughter loved the summer school by the way and would highly recommend it. She is applying again for this year.

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