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Posts posted by Amelia

  1. Mr. Kekhman breaks the news:


    The Principal of Mikhailovsky Theatre in St.Petersburg Natalya Osipova has become also a Principal of the Royal Ballet in Great Britain. The ‘Izvestiya’ newspaper was informed about it by the Director General of the Mikhailovsky Theatre Vladimir Kekhman.

    According to him, the official announcement will be made soon by the management of the Royal Ballet. At the same time Natalya Osipova will remain a Principal of the Mikhailovsky and will continue dancing on its stage in the earlier scheduled repertoire.


    Edited to remove Russian script.

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    Moscow, 8th of April - RIA Novosti.

    The Prinsipal of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theatre Sergei POLUNIN whose disappearance got some media coverage last week has been found, the Stanislavsky’s press office informed RIA-Novosti.

    “Sergei Polunin is alive and well’, said a spokeswoman for the press office. The details haven’t been reported yet.
  3. The Bolshoi season looks very attractive to me but my main disappointment is the absence of Nikolai Tsiskaridze. I read that he mentioned last month that he will not dance Solor anymore but his other ballets are in the repertoire of the tour: ‘Swan Lake’, ‘The Sleeping Beauty’, ‘The Jewels’. Last month he danced Desire. Here is the video:



    He hasn’t been cast in the Bolshoi’s recent production of ‘The Jewels’, which is puzzling, because he performed it with the Mariinsky - “Rubies‘ with Vishneva, Nioradze and Novikova and ‘Diamonds’ with Lopatkina. Not with the Bolshoi, however. He is not cast in any Bolshoi’s performances in April but will appear in St.Petersburg and Kiev.

    If casting changes are to happen, I really would like to see him here.

    Edited for changing layout.

    • Like 1
  4. Clarissa,
    You wrote after quoting Farfallina’s request for translation of an article, so the reader will expect to see it.
    However, apart from mentioning ‘three warnings’, your posting is not a translation of that article at all.
    There was nothing in the article about ‘serious acid burns’
    or Tsiskaridze ‘saying that it is him, who should be the Bolshoi Theatre director’
    or his claims that he is not given ‘a freedom of speech’
    or ‘Mr. Iksanov mainly was not happy with his words about Filin's burns’.
    It is true that ‘Mr.Tsiskaridze is a very famous artist’ but the article mentioned neither this no that ‘nobody would dismiss him’.
    If all this are your own speculations, I cannot see why they should be linked to the article provided by Farfallina?
    If they come from another source, a link could be welcome.
    Edited for correcting layout.

  5. Yesterday and today senior citizens could exchange their cheaper tickets (£15) for the Balcony to much better seats like Upper Circle, Row C, without paying extra money.

    To my surprise, I discovered that not everyone working at the Box Office was aware of this offer. So it took a few minutes to find the person who allowed the exchange.


    edited for typo


    The Bolshoi will be at the Royal Opera House, London WC2, from July 29-Aug 17.

    Telegraph Subscriber Privilege Card holders have priority booking from Monday until April 8.

    To book, ring 020 7304 4000 and quote ‘Telegraph subscriber’ and your subscriber number.

    Check box-office times before calling. Public booking opens on April 9: 020 7304 4000; roh.org.uk/bolshoi

  7. ... recently Tsiskaridze was dismissed from the teaching position, the idea to close his position belongs to Yuri Grigorovich. Here it is the link: http://www.mk.ru/culture/article/2012/01/11/659278-bolshoy-teatr-uvolnyaet-nikolaya-tsiskaridze.html


    I am sorry that I cannot find enough time to except against several strange, in my view, statements, which appeared on this page, and will confine myself to one particular piece of misinformation, which was quoted above. It gives the link to a statement in a well-known tabloid, which shines as a prime example of inaccuracy in reporting.
    Under the headline “Bolshoi dismissed Nikolai Tsiskaridze” the reporter claimed that the idea of his dismissal belonged to Grigorovich. And to prove his own claim he cited the words of the press secretary: ‘Grigorovich’s request was dictated by the specifics of the Bolshoi’s continued operation after the reconstruction. The management considered Grigorovich’s request to be important taking into account the need to return all major productions to the main stage’.
    Why should Tsiskaridze be dismissed in this context? What the reporter missed to mention is that the press secretary never claimed that Grigorovich referred toTsiskaridze. His request concerned another person.
    After the Bolshoi’s reconstruction, Grigorovich was asked to oversee the transfer of his major works, like Spartacus, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, etc., to the main stage. He agreed, of course, but asked the Bolshoi to employ as his assistant the former dancer and repetiteur the 76-y-o Regina Nikiforova. The Bolshoi’s management readily agreed and for enabling them to employ Nikiforova full-time swiftly dismissed two half-time repetiteurs, Tsiskaridze and Godovsky.
    Why on Earth would Grigorovich requested to dismiss Tsiskaridze who gives class in good faith every day and rehearses with his pupils? The very idea of Grigorovich requesting Tsiskaridze’s dismissal will make laugh anyone who knows about their good relationship. It was the management who found that personnel solution.
    Where the paper’s report is concerned one can only keep guessing whether it was a kind of journalistic manipulation or may be the reporter didn’t bother to listen properly. In any case the false claim became another sensation and, as we can see, continues to be quoted even in foreign forums.
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    Some Russian publications informed their readers of the new wave of rumours that ballet lovers in England are prepared to boycot the forthcoming Bolshoi’s performances at Covent Garden in July-August for being allegedly indignant with the barbaric methods of solving ‘industrial disputes’ in the  celebrated theatre.

    Some journalists asked the distinguished critic Clement Crisp to comment on these rumours. His reply was long and contained such words:

    ‘We loved the Bolshoi since 1956, when it first arrived in London for the tour, which did so much for relationship of Soviet Russia with the rest of the world that no any politicians could do... And no one, I assure you, none of the English ballet lovers intends to change their attitude to the theatre because of the problems experienced by famous troupe today…

    … Many have already booked tickets for the upcoming tour…”
    • Like 1
  9. It looks like Tsiskaridze is doing his best to spread misinformation and create a negative image of Sergei Filin in the media.  Why does he hate him so much?  It seems to go way beyond creative differences and him covetting Filin's position as art director.


    On one hand, “it looks” and “it seems”; on the other hand, there are strong accusations of T. in doing his best to spread misinformation and hatred.
    Can it be proved that this is misinformation and hatred?
    The Russian media has a field day now and the papers are full of contradicting articles and statements. Therefore, Marissa, I cannot even ask you, as MAB once did, to give a link.
  10. Moscow, 18 Mar, RIA Novosti news agency.

    The metropolitan police had not received any statements from the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet Sergei Filin about threats against him from the Principal of the ballet company Nikolai Tsiskaridze. RIA Novosti was informed of this on Monday by the press-service of the General Directorate of security for Moscow.


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  11. Svetlana Lunkina visits Princeton.

    From Facebook taken at Princeton University, with pictures of her masterclass:



    It looks less and less probable that we will see her in Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Bayadere and Diamonds this summer. What an unfortunate and sad loss, definitely for me! Just want to beg: Svetlana, please come.
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