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Posts posted by Picturesinthefirelight

  1. " She also figures it's an extra layer protecting against leaks during her period as they aren't supposed to wear undies. "


    Never, ever will I understand teachers who impose this rule on female students.  It is totally uneccesary, and must be so off putting to many young girls. 

    • Like 10
  2. Some vocational schools (like RBS) don’t take grades at all but the ones that do tend to put children in for the vocational grades, not the numbered grades (alongside their own non syllabus training). So if your dd wants to audition for a place later on it would be useful for her to be working towards vocational grades. 


    Intermediate is is a pretty-requisite to get onto a dance exam board teaching diploma & you have to have passed Intermediate before progressing onto Advanced 1.  You don’t HAVE to have passed Inter Foundation and those entering the school in Year 9/10 were often out straight into an Intermediate class. There were a few who entered the school in year 10 who had not taken grades but were asvanved dancers & they were fast tracked through Intermediate so they could get into Adv 1 as soon as possible. 

    • Like 1
  3. So, I asked the question on TSR Ask Student Finance England Forum Can you get Student Finance for a degree if you've had a DaDa for a diploma?


    The official SFE Rep answered  "I don't quite understand your query?"



    • Like 4
  4. I would say that assuming that you have paid quite a lot of money for this intensive (and 9 days is a long time) that they have an obligation to cater to your level, especially as the goalposts were changed for you, perhaps through differentiation.  Is there anyone in charge that you can speak to?

    • Like 3
  5. The only time that dance/music exams can be useful is if, for example you want to apply to do  A level or dance or music or a Btec performing arts and the college stipulates you need Grade 5 -9 etc GCSE music or dance but you havn't taken the GCSE (maybe becasue of option block clashes or the school doesn;t offer it).  Many colleges will accept Grade 4 or 5 and above in lieu of the GCSE for that particular course.  You would still need to meet the general GCSE requirements though (usually at least 5 GCSE grades 4-9  for Btec's and higher for A levels depending on how selective the school or college is.


    It is true that Grade 6 and above and Intermediate and aboce accrue UCAS points.  Some universities will accept these, some will accept a maximum number of points from them, some will not accept any (I'm currently researching music degrees and for example Huddersfield & Oxford Brookes accept dance and music grades but Nottingham & Surrey don't.)

  6. If she has only just got a DBS then she can register with the Update service. This has to be done within 14 (I think) days of the certificate being issued. 


    Then in any future potential employer can simply log on to check her status. 

    • Like 5
  7. The balletco forum rules state that you cannot make overly critical posts unless you put your full name, not a pseudonym and understandably parents are unwilling to identify themselves & their children so publicly. 

    • Like 2
  8. Oh my goodness how sad. 


    Unfortunately it it looks like we dodged a bullet as dd was offered a musical theatre scholarship there but she went to Hammond instead. She’d have been half way through her A level /musical theatre Btec. 


    As a parent I loved the environment & ethos and I feel very sad for some of the lovely staff and students we met there on open evening & audition day who this will affect. 

    • Like 2
  9. With regards to the Open university however if a child does a Trinity Diploma then an arts based course with the Open University they may be able to claim a certain amount of credits from thei diploma towards part of the course (particularly the intro to arts/humanities 1st year modules in the OPen Uni course. The OU look at t he content of the diploma nd decide how much of it can be taken into account to be exempted from some OU modules.

  10. It’s a Level 3 course from what I gather and an excellent option for those not yet ready to move away from home at age 16. But there is an optional 3rd year for those wanting to continue rather than moving to a degree/diploma elsewhere.  (The teaching qualification is higher of course)



  11. My daughter was a day pupil. We more than made back our premiums in the first year from physio sessions she wouldn’t have been entitled to on the NHS or where she’d have been on waiting lists. The situation changed slightly when was was older and able to access the NIDMS nhs dance clinic. 

    • Like 1
  12. Hammond and Tring have more places available than they do MDS. I don’t know what the position is for CAT schemes personally but as it’s much cheaper to find a part time non residential place I imagine that’s why they have been allocated more MDS’s. 

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