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Posts posted by Josephine

  1. 10 hours ago, capybara said:

    Firstly they fail to acknowledge on the day major cast changes which have been announced online (the notes in the cast sheets disappeared during last season - so discourteous).

    Then they fail to announce the changes online as well (even more discourteous to the dancers concerned).

    Now they say you are only advised about cast changes if you have booked. I don't recall receiving any such e-mails. Are they sending me a message of some kind?




    I did receive ROH email notification of Ed Watson's replacement by Ryoichi Hirano, and Ryoichi Hirano's replacement by Matthew Ball.


    Perhaps they are doing this for 'central' principal roles only, as I received no email to confirm Tierney Heap's replacement by Lara Turk as Empress Elisabeth. Tierney Heap is still listed on the website to dance this role in forthcoming performances (perhaps she will?).


    I agree with capybara and others that ROH's failure to publicise (both online and on cast sheets) accurate information about cast changes is incredibly disrespectful to the dancers.


    I also liked to have the old style cast sheets showing any amendments as a permanent record of a specific performance, i.e. potential and actual.

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, Bluebird said:

    Go to the production page. For example, here's the one for the Patineurs mixed bill:



    Click on "Not on Sale. Find out more" and the interactive chart will appear

    Thank you Bluebird for replying. This is exactly the route I have used successfully in the past. Unfortunately now after clicking 'Not on sale / find out more' the page no longer shows me the interactive chart or any form of seating plan/price information.


    Thanks also Coated and Alison for comments. I'm viewing on Samsung Galaxy S8+, which previously gave me seating plan access as stated above. I have not had access problems on any other organisation's web site, but only with this feature on the ROH pages.

  3. Does anyone know please how to view the online seating plan and prices for ROH performances in the Winter season? I thought I remembered being able to view this information a few weeks ago, but can no longer access it, whether logged in as a Friend or not. I have been wondering if it is now revealed in stages as booking opens for each level of Friend in turn? Alternatively is it just a technical hitch?

  4. 7 hours ago, JennyTaylor said:

     I think Cinderella needs a complete rewrite whilst retaining the Ashton gems within it: ie. the Cinderella / Prince, it's the Ugly Sisters who are the problem - men in drag these days, probably not so funny any more - discuss.  Perhaps Liam Scarlett's next project??  The music is lovely and there are some really magical bits.


    I'd be interested to know if you see Ashton's choreography for the Step-sisters as the problem, or just the fact that these roles are usually performed by men? I believe that the Step-sisters were performed by women occasionally in the early days of the production. Should this practice be revived whilst keeping Ashton's choreography intact?


    In men in drag are seen as the 'problem', then should Ashton's Widow Simone also be rewritten? Or Mrs Tiggy Winkle?!!


    Aside from Royal Ballet heritage I support the retention of (most of) Ashton's use of roles en travesti as I love the sense of it being a living link with British theatre/music hall performance history.


    I do hope that the Royal Ballet will revive Cinderella very soon. Likewise Onegin. I'm horrified by the idea of losing this from RB's repertoire!!

    • Like 13
  5. 7 hours ago, Duck said:


    Full link http://www.elmundo.es/cultura/danza/2018/07/20/5b51949d22601d734e8b46d4.html. I think Google translate is correct, the critic describes the Spanish dance as anachronistic with regards to both costumes and choreography.



    Other links


    http://www.diariosigloxxi.com/texto-ep/mostrar/20180719004010/emocion-lago-cisnes-royal-ballet-inunda-teatro-real-paso-londres. A review of the opening night, the article highlights the applause and standing ovation


    https://elpais.com/cultura/2018/07/19/actualidad/1532001318_762937.html. A mixed review of the opening night. "La función de debú de “Lago” anoche tuvo sus luces y sus sombras." - "the opening night had its lights and shadows" (see the 3rd paragraph); further details in the 4th paragraph.


    https://www.eitb.eus/es/cultura/videos/detalle/5739484/video-itziar-mendizabal-presenta-el-lago-cisnes-madrid-/. An interview with Itziar Mendizabal (I don't understand what she says, I read Spanish but listening understanding is pretty limited) and showing rehearsal extracts.


    https://elpais.com/ccaa/2018/07/18/madrid/1531905100_992313.html. An interview with and portrait of David Yudes.



    Thanks very much indeed for all these links.

    • Like 1
  6. There is an appreciative review by Christina Marinero here:
    Choose Cultura, then Danza on the website menu.


    Despite several attempts I have not been able to copy and paste a direct link to the review, though I succeeded in copying its text into Google translate.


    This (presumably) Spanish reviewer was not keen on the Spanish dance, describing it as 'anachronistic', if Google translate is correct.

  7. 1 hour ago, bangorballetboy said:

    Just to mention that Enigma Variations was last performed by RB at ROH in 2011 and I recall Bennet Gartside as an excellent Elgar.


    I would love to see a Royal Ballet revival of Enigma Variations. I do remember excellent performances in 2011 but the cast I saw was led by Christopher Saunders as Elgar with Bennet Gartside as Jaeger.


    Back to the wishlist, I would certainly welcome a revival of Les Noces, as mentioned in Floss's post above.

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