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Lisa O`Brien

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Posts posted by Lisa O`Brien

  1. 1 hour ago, taxi4ballet said:


    The medical professional who saw my dd straight after her injury did not send her for an x-ray. She saw them again and again (and others) in the weeks that followed. They said there was nothing broken. They got it spectacularly wrong. 


    Please folks, if you have any doubts whatsoever, get another opinion, and if necessary demand a referral to a specialist. I only wish we had insisted on a referral far sooner than we eventually did.


    We trusted them. One of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. DD's dance career is over because of it. 

    OMG taxi that is truly awful. 

  2. Just hearing that former United legend, Ray Wilkins has died; and at a relatively young age too. I know he played for other clubs, including Chelsea, but to me he will always be remembered as a Manchester United player, first and foremost. RIP.

    • Like 2
  3. 11 hours ago, meadowblythe said:

    Hi Lisa


    Sounds like you are having fun with your course - hope life is good for you.



    Thanks, Meadowblythe. Yes, they're both enjoyable. In the Literacy, it can be a bit disconcerting as there's a couple of really loud ladies, who talk incessantly. I find it really off putting and try desperately hard to filter out their conversations while i'm composing an imaginary letter or whatever. Guess i'm used to the quiet, and background noise while I work is something that i'll just have to get used to. The English teacher wants to put us all in for the exam on 26 April. However i'm reluctant to take it then, as we will have had no lesson for the previous three weeks, and I don't like the idea of going into it "cold". Plus, if I were to fail it, I know it would really knock my self-confidence. So I told her I would rather wait, and take it two months later. Plus, the exam is free, but if you have to re-take it, you have to pay a fee of £25. It's not a lot, but what with having to pay and knowing the knock an initial fail would cause me, i'd rather take it later than sooner. I don't think there's an exam for the IT. This e-portfolio on the holiday we have to organise is going to be marked. At least I hope there's not going to be an IT exam. I'm coming along with it, but maybe because i'm 50, and so much of the terminology is brand new to me, it takes a while for it to sink in. I find that if I don't look over the IT work during the week, by the time it comes round to Tuesday night's IT class again, it takes me ages to even remember what we did in the previous lesson,LOL. I just call it "old fart syndrome ". ( MODS, hope i'm allowed to say fart).

    • Like 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, RMM1 said:

    Publisher ?

    YES ! Thank you, RM. I found it so thought I had deleted my comment, but obviously not !! Cheers, anyway.

  5. I'm coming along ( slowly ) with my Essential Skills Level 2 in IT course. We have finished Microsoft Word, and are now studying Excel, which at this early stage, I find much easier. The whole course is going to be presented in an e-portfolio to be marked. Years ago students chose to do whichever subject they wanted, and the tutor said they found it difficult to mark across the board. One person would be doing the whole thing on breeds of dogs while someone else would be doing Indian recipes. So now everyone has to plan a holiday for 10 people to where ever you wish, for as long as you wish. I am "organising" a trip to Paris for a few days, then on to Japan for a fortnight for myself and nine others. Just wondered if anyone knew what I am missing? We were told the course would cover 6 Microsoft packages. 1) Word, 2) Excel, 3) Access, 4) Power Point, 5) Outlook. Does anyone know what the sixth "thing" is we will be studying? We're off for two weeks now, and i've looked online , but can't find out what it is. Everywhere i've searched it just says something along the lines of, "Level 2 which includes Excel, Access and Power Point, etc". What is the other? Don't want to email our tutor and ask (annoy) her over the holidays, as it's hardly urgent. It's just driving me nuts , that's all. Thanks.

  6. I liked her tip about counting the pirouettes backwards. And yes, they are mostly in your head. If you think you can't do a triple, you won't be able to. Maybe multiple pirouettes en pointe are required for vocational school and professional company auditions? I don't know.

  7. Just heard there's a girl from my old local dancing school, who used to be a RBS Junior Associate, who has a place at Elmhurst. Don't know which year. Edit, if anyone's interested, they teach the NATD syllabus, and always have.

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  8. 31 minutes ago, Ribbons said:

    Most of the students that keep getting the opportunities seem to have won a full scholarship via Prix or one of the other big competitions. Some I would guess would be on sponsorship. 


    I know that the Austrailian girl who's joining upper school next Sept (who's only 14) is going there on a full scholarship. 

    But how much are the scholarships worth? What I mean is, if the fees for a UK student are £30,000 a year, are international students charged more, like they are at universities? 

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