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The aesthetic dimension –the expression in movements


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The aesthetic dimension –the expression in movements


For me an interesting sensation in ballett is the expression of weighlessness and the expression auf raising up, beeing straight but not getting fixed. Im am originally yogateacher and artist and interested into the relation of art and movment, art and expression. Yoga is often seen as relaxion, ballet often as perfection. For me the expression is a topic that connects these two disciplins. I admire the disciplin in ballet, I am interested into the single poses in Yoga. How can one bring a pose, a movement into life ? That question I am following and I think, it depends on the creative act from each person. That question has caught my interest, because the expression is what creates the feelings of the observer.

The channel Yoga Arte, in which an artistic dimension is united with the poses and want to share another artistic video :  the silent spring of the scorpion. For me it shows the expression of freedom in movement quite well.

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