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  1. Hi, in the end she decided to let her dance offers go and she now goes to university in Liverpool doing a media and marketing degree. She has totally given up dancing and while she says she misses some bits of it, she’s definitely made the right choice for her. The drive to dance every day just wasn’t there and you need to be 100% committed - which she wasn’t!
  2. She’s done amazingly well. Fingers crossed you get the funding soon x
  3. Is that the Performers college in Essex? Wow the funding seems so complicated for the diplomas! Has she auditioned for NBS yet?
  4. She’s got the right attitude! And I agree, it’s so tricky. One of her offers needs a response in 3 weeks so it’s putting the pressure on a bit. Her last audition isn’t for another 3 weeks 🤦🏻‍♀️ Has your daughter decided where she is going?
  5. DD found out today she’s on the waiting list so will probably go with one of her other offers even though this was her first choice. She wants to make a decision sooner rather than later because of booking accommodation etc. She won’t find out about Performers until May according to the email and that’s too long to wait I think. Oh well!
  6. Still not heard anything, has anyone else heard back from Birmingham Performers?
  7. Thanks for that, so there may still potentially be a chance! She’s fine with it all, I’m a nervous wreck 😂
  8. Thanks both. Yes the lack of funding etc is something we need to consider. She is applying for a few dance colleges and a few universities (dance BAs) as she still isn’t sure what pathway she wants to go down. At the end of all the auditions/interviews she can make a decision then I suppose 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. Thank you, that’s really interesting. I don’t suppose you know whether her friends were called for an interview at the end of the audition day do you? Did your daughter end up going there?
  10. Hi everyone. My daughter auditioned for LIPA (BA Dance) a few weeks ago. She has had an email to say that she has not got onto the BA course but may be offered the Certificate. She isn’t keen, but I actually think she could do with the singing and acting coaching as she is a strong dancer but not had much experience of singing/acting. She loved LIPA and really fancies going to Liverpool so I think it’s a great plan B. Has anyone any experience of Foundation certificate courses? Or LIPA?
  11. Hi everyone, my daughter auditioned for Performers College (Birmingham) at the weekend. Despite her thinking it had all gone really well, she wasn’t offered a place on the day like we saw quite a few were on social media. I think this is the first year the B’ham auditions have taken place ‘in real life’ so not sure if anyone has any experience of this. If a candidate does not get an offer on the day, is there much hope of getting one afterwards? They said everyone would hear within 2 weeks so luckily not too long to wait either way! She is not holding out much hope to be honest…
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