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Everything posted by MumMumMum

  1. Thanks balletbean, will look at what other schools offer that are still practical to fit around our family life and sibling activities then discuss with DD if she still says similar about her current lessons. Thanks for the welcome Jan. DrDance, thanks for a teacher perspective. I know of one or two older girls go on to dance further but there may be more. Kanagra, we have started looking how to supplement her lessons. DD started for fun but wants to do it more seriously now. Our school doesn't insist on buns or ballet uniforms. AnnaC it's strange you mention swimming we moved DD to a different swim school without me feeling anything like I do now and we moved her sister from the swim school DD was at when it didn't seem to suit her. Kate_N thanks for the reply.
  2. DD 11, been at the same (nearest to us) dance school since 4 where she started baby ballet lessons. Over the years she's dropped other extra curricular activities and taken on more dance lessons. She now dances nearly every day, taking a range of classes. Most of the classes tend to be age related and DD's come home the last few weeks saying that people are "messing" around in class and in her words "not taking it serious". There are some children off quite a bit (understandable in current times) and so they keep having to go over routines/exercises. Just wondering if I should be looking at other schools (even though I would feel bad after being there so long). When she moves up age groups, she wont be one of the oldest then so may find that by the next age bracket it is the more serious dancers and so no messing etc, so do we stay and see if things improve? Thanks
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