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Posts posted by Aurora

  1. And of course often those on a higher salary now did a lot more work earlier, at uni perhaps and ended up struggling to get by then and paying loans off for years. And maybe they have been the ones that have made sacrifices in their personal lives to try and provide for their families, if that has nudged them just over £70K I bet they wish they hadn't bothered now!!


    I'm sure a few of the kids get the most funding because their parents don't work (and don't WANT to work) - that certainly isn't fair!


    I obviously agree that those on lower incomes need more help but the cut-off for support shouldn't be so low as to make it absolutely impossible for people on that wage to send their child to ballet school.


    Anybody who is offered a place without funding must be of the same standard weather rich or poor.

    I disagree, they will all be of a very high standard but there are always those stronger and weaker than others. Those offered places first rather than going on a reserve list must be considered to have slightly more potential than the reserves. But yes, all a very high standard.

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  3. Haha ok think I've got it!! I'm not much of a sewer (sew-er rather than the pipes underground!) so I've got a feeling I'll struggle with the whole holding stretched whilst sewing aspect but I'll certainly give it a go! Wonder if I could clamp it stretched onto something!


    Will the sequins lie correctly though as once you release the stretch they'll squash up a bit Wong they? Or have I got to make sure I stretch it just the right amount?!

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  4. Any suggestions as to how to sew on strips of sequins without stopping the fabric stretching? I know you can get stretchy strips and zig zag which would allow some stretch but what about the thin strips as they don't stretch. Is there some kind of trick as to how to do it? Or can you get thin strips on elastic perhaps? Or any other ideas how to sew multiple sequins in a row without losing the stretchiness? It's something I've never figured out!

  5. No they haven't merged. About 5 years ago they created a link but they're still separate organisations. RAD teachers could apply to be licentiate teachers of the IDTA and use their exam system and IDTA teachers could apply to be 'mutually recognised' teachers of the RAD (though its not the same as registered teacher status) and enter students for RAD exams.


    Not entirely sure what the purpose of it was as IDTA have a ballet syllabus and RAD teachers could always get associate teacher status with IDTA and use their exam system but I'm pretty sure it was something to do with money lol !


    The new IDTA syllabus is very different still to the new RAD syllabus.

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  6. The beat is the actual outward and inward action of the feet so various thing can have beats. An entrechat quatre beats, an entrechat six has another beat so instead of just going back front, you go back front back (closing behind so there is ultimately a change of feet).


    You can also beat assembles, coupes fouettes racourcis, sissonnes etc. generally you beat where it isn't closing, then change feet to close. Eg assemble over would normally swish to the side and close in front but assemble over battu would swish to the side, beat in mid air at the back in tight 5th, then close in front.


    Hope that helps :)

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