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Everything posted by Dea

  1. Dea

    So Stressed!

    Yep year 5! On the positive side DD loved it, but we are not expecting to get a yes with such competition!! Still it was a lovely experience for her
  2. Dea

    So Stressed!

    Phew! Well what a start to my DD audition at Elmhurst today, we left in plenty of time, got very lost and ended up arriving just 2 minutes before the end of booking in! DD was a lot calmer than me I have to say! We have been sat with other mums and been told there could just be one place from all of today's auditions which has surprised as I guess somewhat foolishly I thought there would be a whole new class to audition for, so I am feeling somewhat stressed and deflated!!
  3. Thank you! We are keeping everything crossed!
  4. Good Luck then! I'm hoping she will smile! She loves ballet and I know she will love the audition, but she has a habit of chewing her tongue when she is concentrating so she has to try and keep smiling, otherwise she makes th weirdest face!! Lol
  5. Thank you!, she is currently on a performance scholarship with The Regional Youth Ballet and doing 12 hours a weekend with them and loving every minute! Does your daughter have to re audition each year or do they carry on?
  6. I have a very excited daughter who is auditioning for Elmhurst Associates in group 1 on 11th May, any tips to offer us? XX
  7. DD started her first weekend last weekend and is having a ball! She is loving every minute of it so far and is very much looking forward to continuing!
  8. I have to say I have spoken to Angela this evening and my mind is completely at rest and we are very much looking forward to being a part of the experience. She has been very accommodating to make sure that my DD can attend her rehearsals, festivals and regional finals even though rehearsals and the performances are scheduled. She didn't pretend to be anything she's not and was very honest with me. The website will be up and running soon and a DVD is in the post for me. It was very important to us that my DD didn't let anyone down regarding festival work and had the full backing of her teachers who have bought her this far, it is not a decision we have taken lightly but all my worries have been alleviated after the conversation and DD will get to do all of her previous commitments and participate in the programme. Thank you to all of you for your advice, I look forward to more interaction with you all! X
  9. Sorry Taxi4Ballet, there were 12 at the audition for the juniors and 5 places were available and 1 scholarship. Yes in Banbury x
  10. Thank you Janet I have asked about a website and to view a previous DVD but have not heard anything yet. This does niggle with me a bit! My DD has applied for English Youth Ballet at The New Theatre in Oxford which has auditions in May, which I have found lots of info on, which is why I was a little concerned about the lack of info for this one. The rehearsal schedule has come through and it is for 70 hours, I am currently thinking all of the additional ballet tuition can't be a bad thing and with her scholarship it works out less then £3.50 per hour. But I just wanted some real feedback, so thank you everyone.
  11. Hi Everyone, my nine year old daughter Has been dancing since the age of three. She is at a good local dance school and In her last examination for ISTD received 93 marks. She takes her grade 2 in just a few weeks time but is also taking classes the grade 3 as she has progressed quite quickly. At her last examination the examiner asked if she was a junior associate at the Royal Ballet as she thought she showed extreme promise. She does festival work and in ballet always does very well.. Yesterday she auditioned for the regional youth ballet, and was the only person to be awarded a scholarship. I haven't managed to find much information regarding the regional you ballet, and as this will be a huge commitment and my daughter would need to pass on other opportunities which have been offered within festival dancing, I really would like to know if anyone has any firsthand experience. My initial thoughts are that doing a over 70 hours of ballet tuition for the show could only mean my daughter's ballet improved considerably which is a great thing considering she would like to audition for the Elmhurst associates programme this year. But I would love to hear from anybody whose child has been involved with the regional ballet of your experience and any comments about the process and end production. The lady who took the auditions yesterday seemed very open and honest and I'm sure it will be wonderful. I think I'm just looking for some reassurance!!
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