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Posts posted by Borzoi

  1. On 27/02/2024 at 10:45, Sim said:

    I very much look forward to hearing your report from front and back stage!!  :)


    Well, the performance did not go on because the truck carrying the costumes and scenery was involved in an accident on the freeway. There were no human injuries, thank goodness, but the truck was damaged and would not be able to make it to the theatre in time for the performance. We arrived at the theatre, as per instructions, at 3:00 p.m.. Baby Pumpkin got loose in the parking garage (which gave us a minor heart attack), but he was retrieved without incident. We had to walk a couple of blocks to the theatre. A parade of two frazzled ladies with three giant Borzois is not something downtown Fort Pierce sees every day! We caused a couple of traffic jams and arrived at the theatre in time to see a group of beautiful young people (the dancers!) preparing to board a bus. They went crazy when they saw the dogs and one girl had tears in her eyes. My heart went out to them, as they were so far from home. They all wanted photos with the dogs, so we put their jeweled collars on them and had a field day snapping photos. It was an enjoyable afternoon and made up (somewhat) for the disappointment about the performance. 

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  2. On 02/04/2024 at 06:43, LinMM said:

    OMG there’s a YouTube clip of a class of virtuoses men in tours en Lair. A couple managed three straight off double tours en L’air from same spot and then collapse on the floor lol but then there was one dancer who just kept going …a series of double tours en L’air with no steps in between. It was about six I think but didn’t count just don’t know how he didnt  run out of energy!! 

    Was that Leonid Sarafanov? I think he does about 10 consecutive doubles if it is the clip I'm thinking of.

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  3. I will be helping a friend with her three Borzoi backstage at a performance of Giselle by the Grand Kyiv Ballet of Ukraine on March 13. I'm hoping to get some decent photos (if allowed). Might be a circus, as one of the zois is a 10 month old puppy who thinks he is a kangaroo! I have visions of him jumping on the table where the Duke and Bathilde are enjoying their refreshments. Kidding! We'll have a tight hold on him. I will give a debriefing and post photos if I get any decent ones. 



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  4. Just a word of caution to anyone outside the UK who might want to watch the episode without obtaining a VPN: I actually found a YouTube video advertised as: BBC Panorama The Dark Side of Ballet. When I clicked on it I got re-directed to a, shall we say, very offensive video. After I quickly backed out I received a "virus warning" that wanted me to click on a link to "fix" it. I quickly erased the search history and that seemed to take care of it. Think I'll just read the comments here instead!



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  5. On 17/08/2023 at 11:07, Salar said:




    On 17/08/2023 at 13:48, Salar said:

    The principal dancers of "All that Jazz" (not shown in the Photos) were:

    Leland Schwantes, Rima Vetter, Eileen Casey, Garry Flannery, Deborah Geffner, Bruce Anthony Davis, Danny Ruvolo ,
    John Sowinsky, Candace Tovar, Sandahl Bergman, Jennifer Nairn-Smith.

    Leland Schwantes can be seen in one film still.

    To my knowledge  Bruce Anthony Davis, John Sowinsky and Danny Ruvolo have passed away,

    If my memory serves me correct Ruvolo tragically died  shortly after filming wrapped, in a car accident.

    He was the dancer announcing  "Welcome! Welcome aboard Erotica!"

    Another great scene! Sandahl Bergman replaced a female dancer one day before shooting,

    as the dancer was not aware that she had to dance topless.

    I believe I know someone who was in this. She lives here in FL. Her name is Barbara McKinley. Someone you have already contacted may remember her. I don't think she has moved away. I'll see if I can get your info to her. Best of luck on your project!

  6. Late to the party here, and this is a long shot, but I would bet that Viola Pantuso would make an incredible Stephanie. She must be insanely strong, yet gives the appearance of fragility and innocence.  Her Rudolph could probably lift her with one hand. Maybe in the next run of Mayerling. I have thought for a good while that she is one to be watched. So good to see that she is getting some recognition.

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  7. Always uncertainty when incorporating animals into stage productions! Here in the US Borzoi hounds are frequently used to lead in the hunting party in Act I of "Giselle". I imagine by now everyone has heard of the fiasco which took place several years ago when the San Francisco Ballet was doing their seasonal run of this ballet. The two stately white hounds (brother and sister) were overcome with passion and proceeded to act out their infatuation right there in front the 3000 + audience. I believe it was the Duke who led them off. I do have a video clip of that. It is hilarious and the audience got an unexpected belly laugh. The dancers carried on like the pros they were and act II supposedly went seamlessly (except for the muffled snorts of laughter which erupted from time to time).

    • Like 4
  8. On 16/12/2022 at 12:13, Suffolkgal said:

    I love re-reading “Lynn”. Although when it came out a fellow amphi regular said it was : I was the best dramatic dancer in the world but no one knew.


    except, as she said, we did! Whatever... it’s fascinating and great insight into her life and art. She’s so honest and gosh has she lived!

    Have you seen the YouTube clip of her rehearsing Mayerling with KM? I would post the link but not sure if it would be allowed.

  9. On 23/05/2022 at 05:31, art_enthusiast said:

    Streaming is definitely more accessible, for those who aren't in close proximity to a cinema or those who may have mobility concerns preventing them to travel.

    Just wondering, what would be the financial barrier to making more online streams available? I would think that they could charge a relatively reasonable monthly fee which might give users access to a few streams to watch - in a model similar to Amazon Prime or Netflix. I can think of many people (including myself) who would gladly pay a subscription for it. It would also bring in new audiences.

    When I subscribed to Marquee they showed a good many of the RB productions. Not a livestream, of course, but quite a few that had been streamed in the past. I eventually dropped them because the ballet productions seemed to have fallen off. Would pick them up again if they would get more.

  10. 11 hours ago, bridiem said:


    Yes - I never count, but it's clear if the fouettés are 'on track' or otherwise.

    It seems to me that, whether the ballerina does single fouettes or multiples, the biggest obstacle in many instances is not the execution of the turns themselves, but the clean finishing of them. I have seen ballerinas over the years perform immaculate fouettes, only to conclude with a less than satisfactory ending. Undoubtedly, it is ridiculously difficult to build up that much momentum and then try to stop on a dime. 

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  11. On 07/03/2022 at 09:03, LinMM said:

    It’s interesting to note talking about the younger dancers that on the RB Dancers page not all dancers with the Company are listed! 
    A dancer who keeps catching my eye at the moment in the Corps is Viola Pantuso . 
    I saw her at extreme left side of stage ( from audience point of view) at the front in many of the Swan formations. 
    I couldn’t remember her full name initially but was sure she was an Aud Jebsen  joiner but she is not listed on the website currently as neither are Alix van Tiggelen Ava May Llewelyn and Olivia Findlay. There are Aud Jebsen dancers listed on the site but not these four. 
    Anyway Alix also catches my eye as well on occasions. 
    I’d also like to mention Harrison Lee(Australian). He has a really good classical line and style and hope he gets a chance for more roles soon. 
    I don’t know who the taller of the four male Spanish dancers was on Friday night but he stood out for me in that group though they were all good….and what great music to dance to! 


    I noticed Viola for the first time in the Giselle rehearsal footage for World Ballet Day. Judging from the clips I have seen she is a lovely dancer who exudes an ethereal delicacy. She appears to have a solid technique and exceptionally articulate feet. Oh, and her face! She's just beautiful and I predict her star will rise quickly. Would love to see her as Juliet some day!

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  12. On 02/02/2022 at 14:00, LinMM said:

    Had a bit of a look today and spent ages trying to work out who the boy on extreme left front of barre when camera looking straight down the whole class! 
    You have to laugh as while I was trying to see what this boys number was the camera homed in on “another”  boy and thought he’s pretty good too so could see that number which was 404. Then towards end of class camera zoomed down on to the “other” boy and it was the same one ….404. Beautiful feet and extensions but also  has a certain look about him. 
    But it’s really the variations I like to see  and when being coached for those……that usually sorts “the men from the boys” as they say. 

    Looking at some of the Contemporary classes can’t honestly say I’ve been that interested in what’s been chosen so far. 

    Oh, wow!! I was watching the same boy and thinking he was really going to go places! Already so elegant with those beautiful legs and feet! A prince in the making, and so young yet!  I will never forget his number, as it is my house address! If anyone finds out the name of "404" can they please post it?

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  13. On 13/01/2022 at 05:57, SamR said:

    Hello, a newbie here!

    I was also there last night and loved the performance. 

    I had a question about the music. I have several recordings of Prokofiev's R&J. But can't seem to find the music for the specific dance at the ball where Juliet strums the mandolin while first her friends, then Romeo, dance. It's not in any of the 'ball' sections of the score. Is it originally written for another part of the ballet and was moved to the ball, perhaps? 

    Try looking for it in the scene after Juliet takes the sleeping potion and is visited by her friends/bridesmaids the following morning. I believe it was used originally for their dance as they anticipate her marriage to Paris (which obviously never happens).

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  14. On 07/12/2021 at 05:13, Anna C said:


    Fully down, or half up and half down?  I’ve seen lots of Giselles with the latter, including - if I am remembering rightly - Cojocaru.

    I do believe that, in some of the older clips I have seen of "Giselle", the ballerina wore her hair gathered at the nape with (probably false) banana curls in Act I. I think I have a DVD somewhere of Ferri wearing her hair this way during a performance at La Scala.

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