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Posts posted by Newballetmum2020

  1. Of course I'm here to hear everyones opinion. But yes I 100% agree with you, shes always wanted to dance she has self taught her self so much stuff but due to Finance reasons I haven't been able to pursue dance lessons. But hard times dont last for ever and I'm in fantastic position where I can actually consistently pay for her to go multiple times in a week. Will be a year in may since she started. My daughter is quite shy and dancing has really bought her out of her shell. I just wanted to do my part and just try give her the best chance. I've spoken to her stage school now shes been picked for the show group this year just going to work on her getting more experience so definitely a vocational school is not a option for us right now. Thank you for everyones advice xxx

  2. 1 hour ago, Canary said:

    Only you know your daughter, so my first question I’d ask myself is whether or not my daughter was a child that would thrive in boarding school. There is a lot of research available about the impact of boarding school on the childs life and the family so maybe have a read. 
    If she is, then contact the schools of your choice if you have the finances in place they will audition her 

    If you don’t have the finances then you are on a different journey 


    If it’s ballet she desires then I suggest a private Lesson with a teacher who is very experienced and will give you an honest opinion 

    The forum is a great place to find such a ballet expert, once they tell you your child has all the physical attributes and facility for ballet, again you are on a different journey to some. 
    sorry didn’t mean to go on but there are so many factors that will influence your decision your location and financial situation I’m afraid play quite a big part


    Thank you so much for your reply 


    Yes I dont think boarding school would be a good fit for us. We've everyone advice i i think I'll keep her with her stage school she's now In the show group I'll look into full trainingwhen shes older x

  3. 1 hour ago, Picturesinthefirelight said:

    It sounds like she may be heading in a more general dance/musical theatre direction than ballet. 


    The issue will be funding. Funding for vocational schools aged 11-16 is based on their potential in classical ballet. My Dd who isn’t classical dancer attended Hammond on a bursary but we still had to find substantial fees. Their lower school dance course was great for her but it may be a better route for your daughter would be to attend a good local school working on ballet, modern/jazz technique etc then look at post 16 options. 


    At 16 there is more funding available via DaDa for non classical dancers and lots enter at this stage. 

    Thank you so much for your reply

    If she wasnt going to go down the route of ballet and stay with the general musical theatre route what would her options. Shes currently at local stage school now so It might be a good idea to look into post 16.  What is your dd trained in If you dont mind me asking 

  4. 4 hours ago, taxi4ballet said:

    A lot of auditions for Y7 entry are taking place now and in the next few weeks so it is rather late to apply this year. You may be lucky though. Have you spoken to the dance teacher and asked their advice about this?


    If Y7 entry is not an option, then depending on where you live, there are a number of associate programmes that she could apply for. Most of those have an annual intake and you can re-audition every year.  Many students don't go into full-time training until they reach 16-18 so there's plenty of time.


    There are other opportunities too, such as English Youth Ballet, CAT schemes, and workshops and summer schools too.

    Thank you so much for your reply!!! Honestly I havent done much research in regards to schools I think I'll leave the year 7 schooling out wouldn't want to put under pressure of a last minute audition. I'm happy to know full training usually doesnt start until 16_18. I'm going to definitely look into your suggestions x

  5. Hi everyone 

    Hoping that I can get some much appreciated advice on this dance world. My daughter is 10 and shes been dancing for less than a year, with year. She had her first solo with her stage school at their xmas show and she completely blew me away. Her stage school has asked her to join the show group for 2020.She struggles abit a school but dance seems to be her thing. She currently has about 6 lessons a week consisting of a private, show group, acrobatics, ballet technique, contemporary jazz and shes starting grade 1 ballet because I would love for her to work towards something. Shez in year 6 I've read about vocational schools but seems maybe she wouldnt be ready for the year 7 intake. I wondered if they do intake in other years? Is 10 years old too late to start pursuing dance. If vocational school isnt option does anyone have suggestions on her to get dance career.


    Any advice would be appreciated

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