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Everything posted by Newballetmum2020

  1. Of course I'm here to hear everyones opinion. But yes I 100% agree with you, shes always wanted to dance she has self taught her self so much stuff but due to Finance reasons I haven't been able to pursue dance lessons. But hard times dont last for ever and I'm in fantastic position where I can actually consistently pay for her to go multiple times in a week. Will be a year in may since she started. My daughter is quite shy and dancing has really bought her out of her shell. I just wanted to do my part and just try give her the best chance. I've spoken to her stage school now shes been picked for the show group this year just going to work on her getting more experience so definitely a vocational school is not a option for us right now. Thank you for everyones advice xxx
  2. Thank you so much for your reply Yes I dont think boarding school would be a good fit for us. We've everyone advice i i think I'll keep her with her stage school she's now In the show group I'll look into full trainingwhen shes older x
  3. Thank you so much for your reply If she wasnt going to go down the route of ballet and stay with the general musical theatre route what would her options. Shes currently at local stage school now so It might be a good idea to look into post 16. What is your dd trained in If you dont mind me asking
  4. Thank you so much for your reply!!! Honestly I havent done much research in regards to schools I think I'll leave the year 7 schooling out wouldn't want to put under pressure of a last minute audition. I'm happy to know full training usually doesnt start until 16_18. I'm going to definitely look into your suggestions x
  5. Morning Jan thsnk you and happy new year x
  6. Hi everyone Hoping that I can get some much appreciated advice on this dance world. My daughter is 10 and shes been dancing for less than a year, with year. She had her first solo with her stage school at their xmas show and she completely blew me away. Her stage school has asked her to join the show group for 2020.She struggles abit a school but dance seems to be her thing. She currently has about 6 lessons a week consisting of a private, show group, acrobatics, ballet technique, contemporary jazz and shes starting grade 1 ballet because I would love for her to work towards something. Shez in year 6 I've read about vocational schools but seems maybe she wouldnt be ready for the year 7 intake. I wondered if they do intake in other years? Is 10 years old too late to start pursuing dance. If vocational school isnt option does anyone have suggestions on her to get dance career. Any advice would be appreciated
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