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Great Dane

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  1. Hi.. Thanks for recommending Elisabeth which I have just ordered, sounds interesting indeed. Being new to the forum, I can't help to mention my all time favorite dance DVD/Blu-ray, released about the time of the start of the forum, but never mentioned, namely L'Allegro, Il Penseroso ed il Modorato by Mark Morris Dance Group. From the moment I got it, I have been hooked and have seen it an embarrassing number of times, almost invariably bringing shivering to my bones and tears to my eyes. I love the text of Milton, the glorious music of Handel, the perfect colors of the set, the fabulous choreography and of cause the wonderful dancers. But first and foremost the joy and life confirmation permeating it all. And I do love and adore La Dame aux camélias by Neumeier with Letestu and P.O. That brings tears too!
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