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  1. Yes, sorry I didn't want to distinguish between genders as it is a small year group, so it may be easy to identify individuals. The 5/6 are boys and girls. Also it is worth remembering that the year group have experienced huge changes, both with changes to the academic/pastoral staff and artistic staff. The girls missed out on Miss van Schoor in Y11 who was an incredible teacher and the boys had new teachers in both Y10 and Y11, also missing out on two great teachers. The new teachers are good, i am quite sure, but certainly lacked the experience of those that left, in particular the experience of Miss van Schoor.
  2. As a relative of a Y11 pupil, I think it is worth mentioning that I have never read this forum, until my 15 year old cousin told me about it and mentioned some of the comments, particularly the one about it being a 'weak' year. I know many of them were hurt by that comment! These children are 15 and 16, many of them have had a tough week, reading speculative comments, that have no grounding in fact are not helpful and are actually hurtful, for all of the year, those who got places, this who didn't, those who want to follow academic routes and those with injuries whose futures, in terms of RBS, have not even been decided! Also weak in terms of what? I have seen this group dance, they are not weak, furthermore, they are ALL hardworking, dedicated young people, who are a credit to the school and their families, and most importantly of all they are very nice, caring young people and some of the strongest young people I have had the pleasure to meet. If any Y11s are reading this, be proud of those qualities, success comes and goes for all of us, the person you are will define your life. As a conclusion, of the year group, a number (I believe around 5-6) had chosen an academic route and have already secured places in the academic schools they wanted, some wanted different dance schools and have had offers, one at least in their school of choice, the rest will, I am sure, get places in other schools, where I know they will thrive.
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