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Everything posted by Artem

  1. Blogger Pauline Adamek presents Rodin's video review by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Department
  2. "So Pretty, So Twisted, So Cruel" http://www.danceviewtimes.com/2015/06/so-pretty-so-twisted-so-cruel.html by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  3. "Eifman Ballet brings ‘Rodin’ to L.A." by Avishay Artsy http://www.jewishjournal.com/culture/article/eifman_ballet_brings_rodin_to_l.a by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  4. To-morrow, 12/06, Eifman ballet will prestn "Rodin" on The Music Center of Los Angeles. by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  5. "Madness, Mayhem & Russian Drama | Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg & Boris Eifman’s Newest Work “Up and Down”…." https://nycdancestuff.wordpress.com/2015/06/01/madness-mayhem-russian-drama-eifman-ballet-of-st-petersburg-boris-eifmans-newest-work-up-and-down/ by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  6. "Eifman Ballet's 'Up and Down' falls short in Costa Mesa" http://www.ocregister.com/articles/eifman-664912-fitzgerald-ballet.html by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  7. LA Time Up & Down Review "With Fitzgerald adaptation 'Up & Down,' Eifman succeeds on his own, melodramatic terms" http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-up-down-boris-eifman-ballet-review-20150606-story.html by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  8. “This ballet comprehensively shows the process of psychoanalysis onstage in the clearest, most understandable and artistic way.” Boris Eifman gave an interview with the "Orange County Register". http://www.ocregister.com/articles/eifman-663462-ballet-down.html by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  9. Today Eifman's ballet presenting ballet "Up & Down" in Segerstorm Center for the Arts, Costa-Mesa (California) by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  10. "Daily Pilot": "1920s romance, decadence and madness, all in Boris Eifman's ballet at the Segerstrom" http://www.dailypilot.com/entertainment/tn-dpt-et-0605-eifman-ballet-20150605,0,1409564.story by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  11. Boris Eifman's interview for LA-Times "Boris Eifman on creating 'a new type of theater' in ballet" http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/la-ca-cm-eifman-ballet-20150531-story.html#page=1 by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  12. Washington public talking about "Rodin" premiere "I am astonished by how they managed to show this incredible depth of emotions through dance" http://sputniknews.com/society/20150531/1022783066.html by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  13. Washington Post report about "Rodin" "Eifman Ballet’s ‘Rodin’: Love and lust leap off the pedestal" http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/theater_dance/eifman-ballets-rodin-love-and-lust-leap-off-the-pedestal/2015/05/30/e1710cc2-06f5-11e5-bc72-f3e16bf50bb6_story.html by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  14. LA-Times about Boriis Eifman's Art: "Boris Eifman on creating 'a new type of theater' in ballet" http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/la-ca-cm-eifman-ballet-20150531-story.html#page=1 by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  15. Boris Eifman's Washington intrveiw for "Sputnik" radio intrnational: "Our mission is to show a Western audience the modern and original ballet art of Russia and to prove that serious philosophical problems can be solved with dance language" http://sputniknews.com/art_living/20150514/1022122695.html by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  16. We'll glad to see all ballet loves in our new home In few years by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  17. According newspaper "St-Petersburg Vedomisy" constraction of Boris Eifman's Dance Palace will start in one month. So in few years, the teater will get permanent stage. http://spbvedomosti.ru/news/gorod/teatr_pri_nbsp_verkhovnom/ by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  18. To-morrow Eifman ballet will present ballet "Rodin" in Washington Kennedy Center by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  19. Finaly, "New York Times" Up & Down's review: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/26/arts/dance/review-eifman-ballet-of-st-petersburg-goes-up-and-down.html?_r=0 by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  20. Public responce is great. You can find some info about New York welcom on our facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/spb.eifmanballet?fref=ts Now we are waiting for crtitics, and prepering for Washington and L-A by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Departmen
  21. Russian-American magasine "Kontinent" publich artical about "Up & Down" ballet http://kontinentusa.com/eifman-ballet-of-st-petersburg-brings-the-american-premiere-of-up-down/ by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Department
  22. Russian leading TV chanels reports about Eifman ballet's American tour (video, Russian language): RT - 1TV - http://www.1tv.ru/news/culture/284311 Kulture TV - http://tvkultura.ru/article/show/article_id/134165 by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Department
  23. To-morrow at 8 P M, Eifman ballet will present premiere "Up & Down" on New York City Center by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Department
  24. One more artical about Rodin by broadwayworld.com http://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwdance/article/Passion-Paranoia-Meet-On-Stage-at-The-Music-Center-with-Eifman-BalletRodin-20010101 by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Department
  25. EIFMAN: THE DIFFICULT POLITICAL SITUATION IS NOT IMPACTING ART “Our mission is to present modern and original ballet art of Russia to the Western audience and to prove that the language of dance can solve great philosophical problems. I hope that the ballet ‘Up & Down’ will let the American audience discover new creative abilities of the St. Petersburg Eifman Ballet,” Boris Eifman says. http://russkiymir.ru/en/news/190340/ by Artem Kirpichenok, Eifman ballet's Literature Department
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