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Posts posted by PJW

  1. There is an excellent article about starting pointe written by the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (sorry if someone else has already mentioned this). I really think it is well worth having a read, they have some excellent articles on a range of related topics too. I appreciate that teachers and parents will use their experience and best judgement to decide when a child should start but their experience is always going to be limited to just the children they have seen. Those children may not necessarily be a representative sample. Here is the link http://www.iadms.org/?185


    I've copied their summarised suggestions here;


    To summarize the above discussion we offer the following guidelines for when to begin pointe training:

    1. Not before age 12.
    2. If the student is not anatomically sound (e.g., insufficient ankle and foot plantar flexion range of motion; poor lower extremity alignment), do not allow pointe work.
    3. If she is not truly pre-professional, discourage pointe training.
    4. If she has weak trunk and pelvic ("core") muscles or weak legs, delay pointe work (and consider implementing a strengthening program).
    5. If the student is hypermobile in the feet and ankles, delay pointe work (and consider implementing a strengthening program).
    6. If ballet classes are only once a week, discourage pointe training.
    7. If ballet classes are twice a week, and none of the above applies, begin in the fourth year of training.
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  2. Starpower in London is well run. They record the judges voices while they watch each routine and then upload their commentaries after the competition so students and teachers can hear their comments as they were watching the routine. This year the comments were uploaded alongside a low res video of each routine so you can watch the routines back while listening to their praise/Corrections.

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