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Michael Branwell

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Posts posted by Michael Branwell

  1. Hi, folks, especially LinMM and Michelle. Of course I remember you both.


    I don't think that any teacher will be annoyed if you name names: we need pupils and without YOU, what point is there in dragging up to London to teach if we cannot pass on what we know and love? It is only that I am afraid the good people who run this website will be a trifle annoyed if ballet (and other dance) teachers use it for self glorification and free advertisement! (Nevertheless, do come and try one of my classes!)  :)


    Seriously, Monday's class at Pineapple was one of the best adults' classes I can ever remember teaching - so many people looking better and reacting well to help and encouragement! I was on cloud 9 and 3/4 for an age after class! Thanks to all who came (if any of you are reading this!)


    Carry on loving dance and dancing - love to you all,



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  2. Hello again! I dare not comment on the fashion designs being discussed (lol) but I would like to go back to the question of the attitude derrière.


    I made up this little exercise (it fits nicely to the White Skaters' Adage from Les Patineurs) and tried it on my class at Pineapple on Monday (yesterday) morning. It worked brilliantly. I'll be using it again at my class at Central School of Ballet on Thursday evening.


    Face croisée in fifth. Chassée to fourth taking the weight entirely over the front foot and raise back leg to attitude, feeling the natural balance between the arms in open fourth and the leg at the back. Promenade in attitude. Pas de bourré piqué over through two retirés, close fifth front. Chassée to fourth with circular port de bras with the downstage arm, soutenue  and little relevé in fifth. Repeat other side.


    I hope this will help you to feel the necessary pull up and natural balance to avoid cramp in attitude.


    On the subject of holidays, I am delighted to say that my Monday classes at Pineapple will take place on Easter Monday, as well as the early and late Spring Bank Holiday Mondays: Classes at Harlow Ballet have to stop on Bank Holidays, as the Studio Rent trebles (!!!) but I have no intention of stopping my Thursday evening Central classes (unless the school closes). I make no apology for thinking that regularity in classes is so very important for amateur dancers, as being fit enough and confident enough is an important part of being able to enjoy the performance of the dance-art we all love.


    If you haven't booked your "summer intensive" yet, can I put in a word for the Chelsea Ballet Summer Course (already mentioned in this forum), to be held at Pineapple from August 4th - 8th. Pilates, Classical Ballet, Pointe Work and more modern styles are on offer every day and we really have fun! A gorgeous big studio, beautiful music, no pressure and a feeling of working together to enjoy dance. If you've tried it, you know what I mean: if not, give it a go this year. You won't regret it.


    Happy dancing days to you all,





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  3. Thank you all for your "likes". I feel very welcome!


    LinnMM, what does PM mean (except afternoon?) - i hope we can get in touch!


    Balletteacher, I so-o-o-o agree with you about warming up and stretching muscles that are liable to cramp.


    Enjoy the melons, apricots and bananas - what a healthy lot we are!





  4. May I be allowed to make my first contribution to this website, which I joined as a result of one of my pupils at Pineapple bringing me a print out of some nice comments made by you, LinnMM, abut my teaching at the Chelsea Ballet Summer course. I cannot, of course, penetrate the LinnMM code, but I'd like to say thank you for the nice things you say ...


    The thought of your doing sauts de basques to the bus stop puts me in mind of the time I was detained by the local constabulary, together with another girl called Lynn, for doing the Peasant Pas de Deux down the main street of Shrewsbury after a performance in 1967: we were warned not to obstruct "verrcoolar Traafic" and the policeman was not amused by my pointing out that, in those dear dead days, there was no vehicular traffic in the town at that time of night. All4Dancers, I so agree the world would be a better place if we did dance balletically down the streets more often.


    However, my "passion", as you called it Linn, was already well kindled and it is a great thrill to be teaching the dance I still adore, at Pineapple Studios, Central School of Ballet and in Harlow, especially to adults who dance for love and the joy of dance.


    Fiz, cramp is a great problem as we get older (I am 66). Eating a banana immediately before class always seems to help - the potassium is brilliant in preventing cramp.


    I have not (to my knowledge) seen you dance, but the symptoms seem to me to suggest that you are  (a) not using the lower back muscles as the principal way of lifting your leg in attitude and (B) that you may well have your weight back causing a muscular conflict which results in cramp. Cecchetti's theory (as explained to me by Leo Kersley) was that the attitude, more than any other position, should be a "natural balance" - and we all had the chance to see a demonstration of this in the film of Fonteyn in the Rose Adage, recently shown on TV.


    Injuries to the more mature dancer are always a horrible problem, Fiz, Linn and Dave. Bad luck! The way back, I humbly suggest, is not to give up classes, but to do classes gently and to "Listen to your body" (Maestro, again!). Obviously, those of us who were lucky - and  mad (I make no apology for using the word) - enough to push our bodies to the uttermost possible limit as professionals, had to know just how to get through the pain barrier to improve. However, amateur dancers can and do know the joy - and, even, ecstasy - of beautiful movement to beautiful music, but, please, work within your body's capabilities and improve slowly and don't push too hard.


    My love to all three of you and good luck in coming back (again) to ballet.

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