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Posts posted by petipacat

  1. I agree Fiz they are hideous, they also look like they have a rubber ,trainer like sole yuk !!.Can't see anyone wanting to use them as decorative things when they are done . Call me old fashioned but there is something so beautiful about a good old fashioned pointe shoe I always feel like I am connected with the past and all those great dancers that inspired me to get up on pointe .

    • Like 3
  2. Sometimes I could just cry ,I wish you all the best Kiwimum .I hate to think of the talented children that don't get a chance because of money ,I so wish I had bet on the grand national today x

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  3. Hi all,just had a giggle at my dd who is busy doing art GCSE (funny enough the subject is dance ) She has just taken a photo of about 50 pairs of dead point shoes , now apart from using a few as soft points , does anyone else's dd keep all their shoes and does anyone use them for handy storage for jewellery or any other unusual thing ? would love to hear some funny ideas


  4. Hi aileen no you don't need a teachers recommendation,most teachers have the info about the course and should give it out to their pupils. As to comparing it is always difficult lol.The work they get is all unset . As to your daughters age she would be put with pupils her own age group ,they also have a lovely choreography comp and the children usually choose who they would like to work with ,i.e the friends they have made .Oh and they usually have a themed party last year was Grease .

  5. Yes It is really good . It runs the 28th july to friday 3rd august , this is its 30th year . It is usually fully residential although there are a few limited day places available .

    The Children have daily classes in Ballet,jazz, contemporary .classical greek,spanish,national and repetoire and musical theatre.

    ages are 10,11,12 year olds---- Grade 3/standard 3

    13 and 14 years Grade 4?standard 4

    15 and 16 year olds grade6/standard6 or be studying at this level

    Generally places are given to Cecchetti students first and other methods are welcome .

    My daughter has been lots of times and has had a fab time , the staff are really friendly and the younger children are housed in mansion house in dorms,they tend not to put pupils from the same school together in the dorms and mix pupils from different schools together this provides a great place to mix and find new friends.


    They are also running a summer school at tring on the same dates for vocational students 16 years currently studying any method at Advanced 1 to diploma level

    Hope this is of some help


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  6. Thanks for that info hfbrew,I am worrying that to send my dd there she may not get enough classical training I have to agree with you the tring dancers at the Cecchetti international comp did look strong so I do hope she can specify her preferred genre. I suppose it is her journey ,she has never done contemporary or jazz before so there is something new to learn also she can do her A levels and I know she will be boarding and get fed lol .

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