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Hi All,


One of the problems that dance on camera faces is a lack of awareness of the transformation qualities that the best-in-class can have on the viewer when screened at scale and in an exciting, atmospheric location.


With that in mind, I wanted to draw your attention to the launch of the Messums Dance Film Festival 2023 - a new festival celebrating a still emerging genre of dance and the intersection of dance and film, bringing together exceptional talent and visionary artists from the dance and filmmaking worlds.


I was appointed as producer of the new festival by dance visionary Johnny Messum, and his support to bring my own idea of how a film festival for dance should look and feel has been one of my creative reasons for getting up in the morning over the past year of challenges! I will also be hosting the event, for those that know what happens when someone accidentally offers me a mic... ;)




The festival highlights many known names to the Ballet Community, including performers such as Alessandra Ferri, Antonia Francesci, alongside this years National Critics Circle award winners Scottish Ballet and Jess & Morgs Films.


After a stunning week of contemporary dance on that same week, I believe that forumites here will enjoy the incredible setting of the barn at Messums Wiltshire, the fantastic food on offer at the Messums Restaurant and the close connection to the best in modern art kept within their various exhibition spaces.


Come and celebrate the launch of our international dance film festival with a strong classical ballet lineage, and make day of it this summer - set in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside venue.




TRAILER 2023 - 


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