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Posts posted by Madmum

  1. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread, it has been a very interesting topic and I have been genuinely moved by so many your posts (especially Ballet4Boyz - I am full of admiration for you and I hope your son has the best time at Central), its also given me a little more insight into the dance world and highlighted some things to keep an eye out for. 

    However, for now I am hoping that my dilemma is resolved, I have had ongoing discussions with DD and the school and it seems that the report I received about the smoking was actually incorrect.  Apparently she had been judged by the company she was keeping as opposed to any actual sighting or proof of smoking, so I will be giving her the benefit of doubt.  It was a stressful week for everyone and I think DD certainly received the message loud and clear that she not only needs to be squeaky clean but needs to be seen to be squeaky clean too! a very tough but valuable lesson for a teenager to learn :)



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  2. Hi Jan, thanks for the welcome 😀

    Thanks everyone else for taking time to respond, it is interesting to hear everyone’s opinion/advice.
    I feel she’s being a sheep but she has mentioned that some of the other kids feel it helps with weight, dd is luckily naturally slender so I don’t think that is a motivator, however, the school have weighed her recently but this was because they thought she had lost weight, it turned out that she was exactly the same weight as she was in September so it didn’t go any further. 
    i do agree about the other things going on in school too, lots of heavy drinking, issues with eating etc, some other stuff that is quite shocking.  

    I am also no stranger to letting kids make their own choices, I have an 18 year old who smokes (not in front of me but she but she knows I know) so I am all for them making their own mistakes etc.  
    Maybe I am prone to micromanaging but I just don’t see the point in paying £16k plus per annum for her to disregard her fitness, she can come home and do dance at the local 6th form for free.  I read all the time about dance becoming so much more physical and dancers being expected to push their bodies harder than ever before, also that earlier generations of successful dancers wouldn’t make the cut in today’s market so to handicap yourself with a vice like smoking is just ridiculous to my mind, we all know how competitive dance is, they are expected to be athletes as well as artists, if she was a sprinter or a long distance runner I would feel the same way. 
    i know my reaction is extreme but I really feel like bringing her home, I have always said I will give 100% if she does and smoking just doesn’t tell me she’s giving 100%, perhaps I will feel differently in the morning but right now I feel let down & upset.

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  3. Hi everyone, I have followed this forum for years and found the content to be invaluable, I don’t think this has been discussed before so here goes my first post, it’s unfortunately not a positive one.  My daughter started dance school (upper school) in September, it’s her first time living away from home and she has taken to it with no hesitations.  reports from the school have been glowing but I found out at Christmas that she had developed a smoking habit, I was livid when I found out and made it clear that I wouldn’t be funding her dreams of dancing professionally if she continued to smoke, she promised to quit.  I have since found out that she is still smoking, I feel so let down and I really don’t know what to do.  I have spoken to a couple of local teachers who don’t think it’s a big deal but I feel if she’s not 100% committed to a healthy lifestyle then she’s unlikely to make a career out of dance, am I overreacting? I am absolutely gutted 😢

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