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Posts posted by quinton77

  1. Hello,

    I've recently ended school and one of my main goals for the summer is to become better at hip hop dance (I'm basically starting from scratch). So far I've been stretching and doing popping and body isolation drills every morning for at least an hour, sometimes two. I'm really motivated to learn, and feel like I'd like to dedicate even more time to dancing. For example, on top of the things I mentioned, I might wanna carve out more time to drill footwork as well.

    However, my concern is that drilling for more than an hour or two any given day will just be getting me diminishing returns and waste my time (i.e. my brain will be so saturated from practice that I won't gain anything in terms of muscle memory that day).

    So my question has multiple parts:

    1. Do any of y'all have advice on how much drilling is enough for a particular move (e.g. the arm wave)? That is, are there clear stopping points (maybe physical exhaustion, mental exhaustion, or just a certain time quota)?

    2. Is there a cap on the number of moves you should drill in any particular session? How do you know you've reached that cap?

    3. Does taking taking a couple of hours of rest between sessions help clear the "brain-saturation" feeling?

    Let me know if my questions aren't clear. All advice or anecdotes are welcome. Lmk what has worked for you!

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