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Posts posted by Balletaddict

  1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any experience of funding with Northern Ballet. For example, I'm aware of the DADA to offer full funding for tuition fees, but is there any other type of funding anyone knows about to help with accommodation expenses? and how much is accommodation? 

  2. 44 minutes ago, Shellz said:

    Has anyone heard from Northern Ballet about Dada’s. Ive read on another forum that someone has heard but we haven’t. I think I’m taking that as a bad sign. Thank you Shelly xx

    Hi Shellz,

    I heard about my DaDa around a month ago, however I also know of another dancer who received their's only last week so you may still hear from them! Xx

  3. 23 hours ago, Loulou said:



    My dd is also starting at Ballet West, if you email Heather she will send you the term dates as I've had them today. My dd hss done 2 summer schools and loved it, and the teachers. If you put Ballet West into the search there is a long thread with lots of information, i think there is details of a typical day buti could be wrong. 

    Thank you! Congratulations to your daughter, hopefully I'll be starting in September too x

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  4. 38 minutes ago, Mnemo said:

    Here are a few points to start you off. Accomodation is either in the chalets in the grounds or in houses/flats in the village. Pretty well everyone rents from the school as it is such a small place there are few other options. The advantage of the chalets is that its a short walk in the morning and you can go back to make your lunch. The drawback is that you have a long walk to go anywhere else. The scenery is undeniably stunning but the weather can be dreadful in winter with heavy snow and storms. It can get very cold - towards the end of last term the washing machines froze. Also the terrain makes for unreliable wifi and poor TV/mobile reception. The school are pretty good at fixing accommodation problems. Most people get their groceries delivered from Tesco and there is a small shop in the village. There isn't very much to do locally, however the course is pretty full on so this is unlikely to be a problem. Its a lot of dance and so far pretty limited academics. There is only one half term (in October) although I understand that this might change next year. Classes run Monday to Saturday so unless you are local going home is out of the question in term time. The annual tour is a big deal for most of the students, but it is exhausting as they are taken to the venues there and back by coach. On at least one occasion they did not get back until 02.30am but still had to attend class the next morning. It is invaluable experience though.  One area that could be improved on is transparency in the application process. Successful candidates are told on the day if they have been offered a place, however it is not until they start the course in September that they will find out which one of two groups they have been allocated to although the allocation is made at audition. Happy to answer more specific points by pm.

    Thank you so much! That information is really helpful...


    However, would you be able to expand please on the two different groups they have? Is this done on ability, and are there any differences between the two groups. For example, are there any disadvantages for being put into group 2? Thank you Xx

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  5. Just now, WillowBallerina said:

    Thank you, well done to you too! Let me know if you do then, hehe yay! Ahh I'm so excited! <3

    Thank you so much! It all depends whether i can get the funding really to whether or not i can go... but as soon as i know i'll tell you! I'm so excited too! <3

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  6. 1 minute ago, WillowBallerina said:

    @Balletaddict I've got an offer from them too and I'm accepting it so will be interested in what people respond to your post with. Also, let me know if you end up accepting as I'd love to start up a facebook group if there isn't already one. <3

    Ahh that's amazing well done!! I feel like I may end up deciding to accept my offer at Ballet West! I loved it! We might end up starting at Ballet West together! I'll definitely let you know if i get any replies, and the idea of a facebook group sounds great! <3 

    • Like 1
  7. Hey,

    I've recently auditioned at Ballet West and have been offered an unconditional place to start in September! I absolutely loved the place and everything about it, but was hoping to hear a bit more from people who are currently or have trained there as I need to make sure it is the right school for me to go to, as it is such a big decision!


    I was wondering if I could find more out about the accommodation, weekly schedule, teaching, how stressful the degree is alongside training, living in Taynuilt, and half terms/holidays you get and how much time you get to visit back home, and anything else that there is to add about ballet west!


    Thank you!!!  :) 

    • Like 2
  8. Hey,

    I've recently auditioned at Ballet West and have been offered an unconditional place to start in September! I absolutely loved the place and everything about it, but was hoping to hear a bit more from people who are currently or have trained there as I need to make sure it is the right school for me to go to, as it is such a big decision!


    I was wondering if I could find more out about the accommodation, weekly schedule, teaching, how stressful the degree is alongside training, living in Taynuilt, and half terms/holidays you get and how much time you get to visit back home, and anything else that there is to add about ballet west!


    Thank you!!! :) 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, balletbean said:

    Hi. Audition started with registration at 11.45am. Seated in the little cafe at the school. Then met by very friendly staff for a tour of the school. About 14/15 students some with both parents but many just accompanied by the one. Tour incl studios and viewing a ballet and jazz class in session. Then the other associated rooms incl physio. Very relaxed. General Q & A session in their theatre by the Principal. About the school, funding etc. We had the opportunity to watch briefly a rehearsal of a PDD of the upcoming Nutcracker by the 3rd yr pupils. Return to cafe. Girls taken off to get changed for lessons. Parents in were invited to stay for the duration or visit the accommodation block nearby. 

    1hr Ballet 1/2hr Pointe. Slight break then jazz. None of the girls changed clothing for Jazz even though my DD had packed alternative black tights and coloured leotard. Majority wore black plain leotards a couple in the blue RAD leotard and my DD wore maroon. No embellishment or lace. 

    We were all given a rough time to return. to the cafe. The girls came back and were gradually called individually for physical assessment then interview with Principal and Deputy. End of day was about 4.30pm.


    Sorry can’t provide info on trains as we had a taxi from the airport. 


    8 day wait for acceptance letter by post. 


    We both loved the school, ethos and general vibe that we felt immediately upon arrival. 


    Good Luck. 😊🙆‍♀️

    Thank you so much, this is extremely helpful! I'm very excited for the audition but also very nervous... but by the sounds of it, it sounds a very enjoyable day! Good luck to your DD, I hope the outcome is what she is hoping for!! and thank you Xx

  10. On 16/12/2017 at 15:57, Miracle said:

    I have a DD in 3rd year at Northern Ballet School and I am happy to answer any questions on pm.x

    could I have possibly have some info on how your DD has found Northern and more about the school please? I have an audition coming up and it's one of the places I really would LOVE to go to! any info would be much appreciated xxx

  11. On 14/12/2017 at 20:23, Shellz said:


    my daughter also got accepted. Am hoping to find soneine she auditioned with so she has a familiar face. I am new to the forum so please be patient with me 


    Hi Shellz, I have an audition on the 5th Feb! I was wondering if you could tell me how long roughly the audition lasted as I have no idea when to book the ticket for a train home! :)

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