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Posts posted by donastcolombe

  1. Would just like to say to start I didn't mean to cause a huge confrontation!  


    Thank you those of you who offered advice with this.  This dance school does run a few adult dance classes alongside the usual syllabus classes for under 18s, so there are frequently adults and children in the same building.  They did tell me they would be happy for me to join the advanced class when I first enquired, so there is some indication there I guess that they would be willing to put me in the syllabus classes.  It's just whether they would be willing to put me in a lower level syllabus class.  Re the age of the students in grade 5, I'm not too sure, but the classes offered on the timetable go up to grade 5 and then to intermediate and advanced ballet, so based on that and some approximate ages they suggested for the lower grades on their site, I guessed the grade 5 class would be ages 13-15ish.  But I didn't do grades as a child, so that isn't based on any personal experience.  I'm 22 so in theory not that much older than them, it would most likely be a smaller age gap than me and the rest of the adult ballet class at this same studio.  I know obviously the crucial difference is that age gap being one between adults (although there are a couple of under 18s in the adult ballet class), but I wouldn't stand out as a great deal older.  I'll see what happens this term and maybe pluck up the courage to ask about next term.  

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  2. Long time lurker, finally registered for an account.  Wondering if anyone has any experiences of being allowed to join in grade classes, rather than specifically adult ballet classes?  I've been been dancing for about 2 1/2 years, now in my early 20s.  I did technically dance as a child but feel like I've only really begun learning proper technique since I took it up again as an adult.  Currently I'm taking 4 classes a week but think one of them is likely to be cancelled after Easter.  One class I'm taking at the moment is an adult syllabus class with the aim of ultimately taking grade 5, which is really exciting.  I also have a class at another school which isn't quite as 'dancy' if that makes any sense, there's more emphasis on barre work and repetition but I'm finding that really useful for building strength and proper technique.  When I first asked to join this class through their website, they asked me if I would like to also attend their advanced syllabus class for teenagers which would be far, far beyond me, so I politely declined and just joined the adult class.  Since I'm now working towards a syllabus exam though, I'm wondering about joining the grade 5 class at this school.  It's on a night I can do, and if I end up losing the fourth class I really would like to find a replacement. and it would be great to have another grade 5 class.  I'm usually the youngest in adult classes by quite a bit so would be quite happy to take class with a bunch of teenagers, the age difference wouldn't really bother me.  I'm more worried the dance school might be happy to put me in with the older teenagers in the advanced class but less happy about putting me into a grade 5 class.  Does anyone have any experience of doing this? Are dance teachers generally happy to put adults in with their teenagers?  

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