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Posts posted by DancingPixie

  1. Also, from my experience of doing some Indian classical dance and of having many students who study it, there is a definite equivalency with the level of skill required and the hours of training as with ballet. It is a highly technical and artistic dance form.

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  2. When my DS was about 5, he used to do both Karate and Ballet. One day he had to miss his Karate for a ballet commitment, so I duly informed the sensei. A boy of a similar age overheard and said 'He does ballet?' in a very disparaging manner, to which the Sensei replied, 'Yes, which is why his kicks, posture, and jumps are much better than yours.' God bless that man!

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  3. Just to balance things out. My son was accepted into Year 8 at WL. By the time appraisals came around it was clear that he didn't want to carry on into Year 9. It was very stressful for him and upsetting for all, but it was clear that no way would he pass his appraisals in the state he was in. The heads of both dance and academics took much time to speak with him and us on various occasions with much of the contact being initiated from them. It was decided that he would be the first ever student to not sit the appraisals on the understanding that he would leave at the end of the year as they were concerned that process of failing the appraisal would affect him too greatly.


    Afterwards both heads were just as supportive in ensuring we made a positive exit and found the right next step for him. I honestly couldn't fault them.


    He is now Year 10, so this only happened fairly recently. It may be that there has been a real shift in how they respond to students assessed out.


    I only share this to ensure any currently anxiously parents that should the worst happen, they may not find a lack of support. I obviously do not want to undermine the experiences of other parents, and I hope no one takes offence, and I am sure that have things improved then this will be welcomed by all.

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