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Posts posted by gingerlime

  1. Thanks for the advice, I already wear over the counter insoles and I try to wear sensible supportive shoes; this week I have mostly worn some running trainers ( not fashion ones.) And maybe unwisely I haven't been to the physio because when I go to school in under two weeks I get a full physio assessment and I have quite a high pain threshold so I thought I did just ride it out. On further reading, I think the pain is down to me rolling a bit which I do, do when I am not wearing shoes.

  2. For a year or so now i have had more than occasional pulled muscle and burning sensation in my left foot arch, presumably caused by dance (because it's the inly exercise I do) but not frequently occuring during dance. After reading online, the only thing that has come up is to do with having flat feet, which I definitely don't have! Just wonder if anyone has experience with this? (Disclaimer: I understand advice given is not a replacement for medical expertise)

  3. Hi, after attending a summer course where we trained using equipment like wobble boards/cushion and similar to boost strength, I have decided to buy one for myself as I feel it really helped with strength which is something I need to improve. But I can't decide whether to buy a wobble board like this one: http://www.physioroom.com/product/PhysioRoom.com_Wooden_Wobble_Board_40cm/3183/39364.html which apparently helps whole body/core stability or a wobble cushion such as this: http://www.physioroom.com/product/PhysioRoom.com_NEW_Air_Stability_Wobble_Balance_Rehab_Cushion_35cm/3184/39222.html?gclid=CJL759vk0M4CFWgq0wodpKgJbQ which is supposed to be for ankle and foot strength. I am reluctant to buy both, certainly at the same time, so opinions on which one is better/which one to buy now would be gratefully received.

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