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Posts posted by elliott92

  1. Yes, he had me plie in 2nd position. There was pressure pain on my big toe but no curling. The drawstring kind of digs in to my heel in plie position but is fine other times. I decided to keep them and break them in. I'll go back and get re-fitted for my next pair. I tried the shoes on again last night to break them in more and it felt slightly better.

  2. Hello!

    So yesterday I bought a pair of pointe shoes after being fitted. They were ok in the store but posed a problem when i got home and the next morning. They are the Russian Pointe Luminas. While en pointe, they fit perfectly and my feet are beautiful. However, when on flat my big toe is very compressed (more than it should be) to the point where I can't even roll through demi. The drawstring/heel digs in slightly in plie or demi pointe too. Do I just need to break them in fully or does the compressed big toe while on flat (it's pushed against the platform causing it to curl slightly but good on the sides) mean they are too short? It's a 2 hour drive to the store so I don't want to go back if it's not really necessary.

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