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Second Arabesque

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Posts posted by Second Arabesque

  1. Hi   - Has anyone here been to Kim Mendez's General/Intermediate ballet at Pineapple on Fridays at 10:30?  I'm just wondering how advanced it is compared to, say, RAD grades?  And also if it gets very crowded, teaching style...and anything else. 


    Also I would love to try Tory Trotter's contemporary ballet.  Has anyone been?  Is it super advanced and intimidating?!  


    (I know there are lot of great classes at Danceworks as well as Pineapple, too, but it is a matter of times/days I can make)


    I haven't been to ballet at Pineapple since the 1980s so just wondering what to expect...if anyone can share anything before I jump in and just go there.  Thanks.  

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  2. Thanks!   Useful info...(In retrospect my Grishkos were probably too broken when I did the Intermediate exam.  They were really quite comfortable but I was 'going over' just a bit one on foot which I expect I got marked down for!).  I think I will go an try some Gaynors on at Dancia or somewhere and see what I think!  

  3. Thanks.  Yes, after I posted that I had a look back and somebody's teacher said she shouldn't wear them but actually there is nothing official from the RAD.  They even allow "split sole" pointes now although apparently those are 'not recommended'! 

  4. Hi,  I am new here, so forgive me if this has already been answered.  I am an adult student at RAD Advanced Foundation level.  I need some new pointe shoes and am considering trying Gaynor Mindens for various reasons.  I know a bit about the "controversy" and am wondering if anyone knows if they are "frowned upon" by the RAD for use in the exam.  I wouldn't have thought so, but I think I read here that they weren't "allowed" at the Royal Ballet School associates programmes (?) so just wondering if anyone has heard anything unofficial from any RAD HQ teachers or examiners?  

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