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Posts posted by Niccia

  1. Hi

    we went for the Hammond associate auditions and dd got a letter through on Friday offering her a place! She did get very upset after the audition as she said it was very hard and she really believed it was a no!

    Hope you had a positive result!



  2. Pictures in the firelight - it's similar for us. Dd does back to back ballet, tap, modern and jazz. About 4 hours every Saturday.


    I will be looking at private lessons to see if it will help her.

  3. Sorry to hear that lovetodance2003! I think we will be applying to the summer school as I feel it will be good experience and give my daughter a better insight into what this is all about!

  4. I think I may need to look at additional ballet classes for her. It's just making sure it doesn't clash with other things we do! I also like her to have a full day of doing nothing!


    Thanks again everyone for all your support!

  5. Thanks for all your replies! I do worry that she only has access to an hour of dance a week and that she may be behind others who have had several hours of ballet a week for several years.


    She has always said she wants to dance. She wants to be on stage. She has been doing ballet, tap, contemporary, modern and jazz for many years. She does about 4 hours of dance every Saturday.


    Her dance teacher is brilliant and us fully supporting dd. Unfortunately she can not offer any more additional lessons. There are other dance schools but looking into those they offer very much the same.


    Should I maybe look for private lessons alongside?


    We have sat her down and looked into all options. She is very excited and says she would love to go to a vocational school. She is very confident girl. She is quite multi talented having a beautiful singing voice and takes drama at school as well as choir.

    This world appears very complicated and I obviously need to do a lot of research. I will support her all the way if this is what she wants, I may need alot of advice from you guys though if that's ok! Thank you everyone!!

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  6. Hi

    I'm new to all this. We went to The Hammond for a look around just because we were interested. My dd had been dancing since she was 3 and we had been told she was good but as parents you can never really know how good they are!


    Whilst at The Hammond she was stretched and took part in some dancing. They asked us to audition for the associate classes. I had never heard of this. We live in a small place and she only has access to dance classes once a week.


    We auditioned last Saturday, she had never done this before. There were many there who already had places at other associates. She came out crying. I felt so upset, thinking we had set her up for something just to fall.


    However we received a letter on Friday saying she had been given a place. I am shocked to say the least.


    I know nothing about this world. I was told at the look around say that she had alot of potential and was very talented!


    She is 9 and in year 5 at school. She is very excited. Should we be looking at these sort of schools for her for year 7? I know nothing about funding! We could not afford it otherwise.


    Sorry for the long post!!

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