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Posts posted by sarah761

  1. This is all so scary. My dd is considering attending recall for urdang next week but I am scared to let her go as I am unsure we can afford rent in London especially with everyone talking about the hidden extras ...

    does anyone have any experience of urdang rent and costs?? Don't want to disappoint her by letting her go and then having to say no to the place!

  2. Thankyou everybody for replying. We are not sure whether to just accept Hammond or wait out for urdang recall. Do people know how the two compare at all?

  3. Ok my dd has a dada offer at The Hammond and waiting to hear about funding for bird. She also has recall for urdang. Anyone have experience of this school? Whats its reputation? Where do they live whilst attending and how costly is living in London?



  4. Ok so my dd (16 years old) has been offered a place on this course but also has funding recalls for diploma at other schools ... does anyone know as this is an access course would she be able to apply to the colleges that offer BA next year? I notice they say usually 18 years old with A levels or equivalent. Do if she has this which is A level equivalent will she be able to apply at 17? Does anyone know anything about the foundation course? Thanks its all so confusing ..

  5. Congrats katymac. I rang them to ask. They said ok to reserve place and to sit tight as have only given out very few of dada so far. Still got 700 kids to see!! But if they have a place on diploma then stand good chance but obviously can't guarantee. They said always lots of movement right up to summer hols...

  6. Thats what I thought but at least one school has charged me a fee, saying in fact that the details of the funding audition would not be released without it and that is she is unsuccessful (even though they know she cannot take a place without funding) the deposit is non refundable.

  7. Ah ok thanks. Next question ...my hubby is self employed and as tax year hasn't finished yet I have had to estimate it on self decparation forms. If we fall into a different bracket can we change it on application?,

  8. Ahh cos that's my next worry as she has tring recall early march and been told if offered need to respond within two weeks with hefty registration fee .....but some other recalls not til end of April ....


    So confusing xx

  9. Hi


    My first post on here so sorry if I mess up. My daughter has been lucky enough to secure more than one funding recall. When we have got our letters we have been asked to return self declaration of income forms prior to audition. Obviously she wants to attend all as she is unsure who will offer her funding if any. Can someone tell me is it ok to fill in more than one of these forms??




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