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Posts posted by Nadi

  1. Thank you again for all your replies and sharing your experience with syllabus classes.


    As most of you suggested, I contacted a dance teacher who in fact teaches adult classes and he would be interested in running adult syllabus classes if there is demand. However, he suggests that at least 2-3 classes per week would be needed as he wants to prepare his students properly.

    So if anyone here is interested in that, let me know and maybe we can form a group?

  2. Thank you very much for the quick replies and all your suggestions- i really appreciate it.


    @ Moomin: i thought IF might be the right fit for me as i did grade5 for some time (didnt take the exam though) and to be honest character dance wasnt really my cup of tea - luckily theres no character d. in the vocational exams...

    @aileen: before coming to london i had a great teacher who was giving lots of individual corrections to all of her students, and i havent found anyone like that in london yet - unfortunately she wasnt really into jumps- so they are for sure my weak point...

    @ Dancer Sugar Plum: if i understood your reply correctly, you took IF as an adult? How long did you work on it before taking the exam if i may ask?


    Again, thank you very much for finding time to reply to my post!

  3. Hi there,


    I' ve been following this forum for a while and finally decided to join:-)


    First let me introduce myself, my name is Nadia, I currently live in London and been doing ballet for something around 3 years- so not really long.


    However, i am getting more and more frustrated as I feel no matter how many classes I do I am missing many step as I never studied any syllabus.


    Now my question, would any of you have any recommendation to rad inter foundation- where to take (i know rad headquaters do it but i always seem to end up on the waiting list:-(), how many classes per week if I wanted to pass the exam towards the end of the coming school year or any sort of advice from fellow adults who are taking syllabus based classes.


    Thank you and have a nice day.


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