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Posts posted by Balletmum77

  1. Thankyou so much for your replies Dancing unicorn and Karen, very helpful. I'm sure my daughter will love the school, I've only heard good things. She is only worried about making friends as she's going into year 8 so thinks that friendships will already be formed but I'm sure she'll fit in just fine.

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  2. Hi, my daughter is joining The Hammond in September. This may be a silly question but do they take a separate dance bag and school bag to school and if so do both bags need to be black/dark colours or just the school bag?

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  3. Hi, this is my first post so I hope I'm doing this right! My daughter found out today that she has been placed on the reserve list for York ballet scholars. She is quite upset that she didn't get a place and I wondered if anyone else has been in this position and was subsequently given a place at a later date? Would like to think she still has a chance! Thanks. :)

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