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Posts posted by polishrose

  1. It's a good kind of mad ;)

    I have to update you all-all the stretches and releves and tendus and thera band stretches I have been doing at home are working wonders on my plantar fascitis-before I started this I couldn't put my weight down on my left heel-I would get up in the morning and hobble to the bathroom and be in pain all day, even when sitting...this morning I only limped for 3 steps and after that my heel was a dull ache rather than a sharp stabbing pain.Right now it isn't hurting at all sitting down, but is aching when I stand on it, but again it's a dull ache not a sharp pain...this is awesome!!!

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  2. Thank you-I do feel I achieved a lot :) I won't be doing grand plie any time soon as I don't want to cause knee problems-the demi is challenging enough for me,especially in anything other than 1st or 2nd LOL

    I did do some plies in the water today when I went swimming-I would do a length and then rest a little and do some plies and tendus and grande battements-I can get my leg so much higher and bend so much more in the water.I figured doing the moves would help stretch and loosen my joints and muscles.I also found I could do the releve with my other leg in retire(forgot the technical name for it but we did it as preparation for pirouettes) in the water fairly easily whereas I couldn't do it at all on land-so did a few of those.:) Made swimming more interesting too :)

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  3. I am back!!I survived LOL. It was great fun but soooo hard.I don't remember any of the positions apart from the feet and none of the moves.It was so hard to follow the exercises but I know that will improve.I was sweating all over by the end of it.There's a basic beginners class on Mondays so I might go to that as well just to get some practice with the moves.I did like it, though I tried not to look in the mirror too much...I wasn't the oldest one there but I was the biggest.There is a man there too in his 30's possibly.The teacher was really nice.Definitely going to go back.We did plies(I didn't the grande plies),tendus,rond de jambes,releve,retire,grande battements,frappes,fondus and developpes en devant.Did a bit of a sequence near the end which I really couldn't grasp-the balances were hard and the releves in 5th I couldn't get right as I wobbled too much.We did preparation for pirouettes and then actual pirouettes-I just did the preparation twice as there was no way I could do a turn LOL.Oh we also did glisses and chassees in the sequence.Transference of weigh at the barre and in the centre.Oh and a weird turn called demi de tournee which I couldn't do.And assemble soutenou however that's spelt.Phew. A lot to remember!My heel was OK-a little sore but no worse than walking,My right knee hurt a bit in 5th so I need to stretch that,It's just stiff and because my calves are quite big the teacher advised me to do the positions slightly open so as not to strain the knee. That's about it I think.:)

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  4. Thank you-I will check out the bodybalance :) 

    I need an even bigger leotard than xxl(I would need xxxl).This is where I found them http://www.riversedgedancewear.com/womplussizda.html


    I managed to get some black leggings and ballet socks for tomorrow.My daughter bought my ballet shoes-we tried the split sole but they were a little too narrow, so went for full sole leather Bloch 6.5 width D.They are perfect width but a tad too long but I know my feet will change shape as I lose weight.(they always do)


    I wouldn't dream of trying pointe work alone.:) My daughter just got her first pair today and was fitted at the same time as me-the lady at the shop really knows her stuff :)

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  5. My eldest daughter treated me to this as a Mother's Day present and we both loved it.I have never actually seen a ballet before-she has seen several in theatres and a few at the cinema and on DVD.I don't know anything about the technical aspects of the dancing but some of the sequences were breathtaking.We both loved David Hallberg's death scene.All the dancers were outstanding!

    I will be on the lookout for more live ballet like this-I can't afford to travel to London and watch in person so this is a great compromise for me :)

  6. Thank you all :) Having had several of my daughters do ballet I am well practiced in sewing on elastics and ribbons :D My daughter has decided to buy me ballet shoes as a birthday present(my birthday is in April) so we can get them fitted properly and then subsequent pairs can be bought online.I am going to try the beginners class on Tuesday-there is an all abilities class straight after so if the teacher decides the beginners is too easy despite having given up such a long time ago, I can try that one.I suspect I will be doing beginners though :) I'd rather get it right from the beginning.

    I have many tshirts but no leggings-that's on my shopping list for tomorrow.I did actually find a lovely website with plus size leotards and tights  but in America so have decided to try it for a month and see how it goes and if I enjoy it I will order from there. 

    Can any of you recommend any gentle exercises I can do at home?Not ballet obviously as I don't want to get it wrong, but maybe something for flexibility?

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  7. Firstly, some background...I did ballet a very very long time ago, gave up when I was 9..I am now 42(43 next month).I am also overweight-very very overweight.Totally unfit.I am however quite flexible.I can still touch the floor with my hands and have straight legs. My eldest daughter,19,who still does ballet at uni while studying geography(not at the same time!) suggested to me that I should try an adult ballet class.I remember the 5 positions and that's about it.

    So..questions...should I try the classes? Am I going to make a fool of myself?I am not expecting ballet to make me lose weight-I am doing swimming and cycling for that and eating appropriately) but I am hoping it will help tone up muscles and skin.I am hoping it will make me more graceful, more aware of my body,happier with myself.Should I try the total beginners class or the one aimed at all abilities?My daughter thinks I should do the all abilities one.Although I am quite flexible leaning forward, my sideways movement is very stiff, as are my shoulders.

    Secondly-where can I get suitable clothing?I am a size 22 on top and a size 26 on the bottom(uk sizes).I would prefer to wear a leotard and tights as I want to feel like a proper ballet dancer, rather than someone doing an exercise class.I don't want to spend hundreds on these items though.Also what type of ballet shoes should I get?Full sole or split sole?I am a uk size 6/6.5.Fairly high arches but occasionally suffer from plantar fascitis in my left foot only.I also have wide feet.Can I buy shoes online or should I only buy after being fitted in person?

    Thirdly...I'm worried about making a fool of myself.I know already I will be the biggest person in the class.Do you think the others will laugh at me?

    Fourthly-and this is purely a speculative question-IF I were to lose enough weight, and progress in ballet technique and strength,do you think there's a small chance I might one day try dancing on pointe?I don't have any obvious problems with my feet-no bunions.My big toe is longer than the rest but not excessively so.I know this is all very far in the future...but all things being equal-is there any chance at all?


    ETA thank you in advance for reading :)

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