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Posts posted by osmum

  1. I don't think there are any Kiwis there at the moment but definitely a few Aussies. Dd is a first year and is extremely happy there. Here are no scholarships as such for internationals, but a small bursary can be applied for at some stage.

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  2. Dd has a double scoliosis so in the end her spine is almost straight the two curves almost cancel each other out (if you follow). The only time it gave her problems was during the growing years so we had a great osteo/kineasiologist that looked after her, she had been to a specialist as well who said keep dancing! The top curve is noticeable so sure she doesn't have a perfect looking back but no-one ie schools have ever commented that it will be a hindrance to her career. Like people have said look at the stars of e NYCB.

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  3. Lala I have emailed ith Rambert and they will have someone to help the 'out of towners' apply for oyster/bank accounts on registration day. I have just instructed dd to get regular oyster to use till she gets the free one, and not to travel too much till she gets it.

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  4. Dd has a Bloch one. As the layers don't come stitched together you will need to do this and dd needs to be in it as you do it. Took a while but you have a captive audience for a great conversation. How much was the Grishko one if you don't mind me asking?

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  5. No, haven't heard anything. I don't think clothing is an issue we need to concern ourselves with, as apparently there are no uniform requirements - just neat and tidy gear suitable for the appropriate class.

  6. You never know Sballerina... And thank you everyone for your wishes. She feels truly lucky and can't wait to get there. I feel dd will be in very good hands having been to the school with her on audition day and met some of the staff.

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  7. Good luck for your future Danseur ! I had a male friend who took his first dance class at 19, he was dragged along to a class by his uni friends though having done some gymnastics as a young child no other dance experience. He was hooked, dropped out of his degree and danced and danced. Luckily a top teacher in his area spotted his potential, passion and determination and took him under his wing. He had an amazing career dancing with a top classical company and making it into his dream contemporary company a top UK one. His teacher always told him concentrate on your classical first for your technique and strength the rest will follow at the right time.

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  8. Dd used to have trouble with her timing up until 12 or 13 always the worst part of her exam marks usually a six. Until finally her dad (a musician) after much cajoling on my part to both of them sat with her and listened to lots of music, different styles. She finally got it and started feeling the music rather than listening to it she said. The next exam Adv F I think she got a 10 for musicality.

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  9. The biggest cost for me will be to have dd living on the other side of the world and only being able to see her when she comes home for the summer break. :( not enough work opportunities over this way. I sometimes regret that I didn't say no when at the age of 3 she demanded to go to ballet.

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  10. The Aus ballet are very slow with the boarding, dd went there for a couple of summer schools - 6 or 7 years ago and they were talking about setting up a boarding school then.


    FYI - for the private vocational schools such as Tanya Pearsons the students do distance education. This is part of the government school system where work is sent out usually in booklet form or online to be completed. students must complete year 10 (equal to GCSE) the students do this work after school and usually all weekend. Not much time for them to get up to mischief. For year 11 they are able to choose to do at least 2 subjects and complete HSC (A levels) over 5 years. At the age of 17 they can choose to stop schooling which a lot do.

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  11. Let's hope not Sballerina. Dd and I just want to know either way. Need to book flights from the other side of the world and every day we leave it it gets more difficult. Have emailed them and explained situation, they were very apologetic but we all just have to sit tight. have a couple of weeks befor I need to pay deposits at other schools. So that will be a crunch time

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  12. My dd is in the same predicament as you Flutterby, Rambert will be he right place for her the equal mix of contemp and classical. Her other offers (which we are agonising over) fees are way, way cheaper but this could be a false economy to pay if she is not getting the training she wants or needs. What to do.???

  13. As Lucinda said the main intake is at level 4 ages 13-14. Levels 1-3 are the part time students on the associates. Level 5-8 (4 years) barely take any through the auditions student will need to be exceptional only a couple of students get accepted in these years. Upon graduation it is very difficult to get a job, there are so few companies, the same goes for the. NZ school of dance. Some of the girls will try for o/s schools but find his very difficult as they have not built up connections or have the knowledge if you had trained in Europe. This is why more and more Aussie girls are heading for Europe to train from the age of 16.

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  14. Well done to your dd macnat! Most of the girls on my dd's audition tour of uk & Europe from Aus were 16 but most will be 17 when they start. How lucky for you the wait being over.

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