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Posts posted by Ruli

  1. Hi everyone. I might need some advice over a knee pain I'm developing since my second week at ballet clases. I might start from the begging.

    I have always had, every now and Then, some pain on the inside part of my knee. I have just started taking private ballet lessons about a month ago with a russian teacher that was a Vaganova student in her younger days. She corrects me every position so that everything is on its proper place. Since about a couple of weeks ago I started to get those knee pains nearly everyday, and I was wondering if ballet might have something to do with that. The truth is that I have been searching on Google and found something about overturning the knee and not the hip, which I understood was about making the first position on a perfect 180 degress, which I read could knee pain if your muscles are not strong enough.

    The question is, do you think I might be forcing the perfect 180 degrees position and hurting my knees? If so, Do you think it's a teacher's problem or is it just that my knees weren't well since the beggining? Might I look for another school?

    I'm completely lost and would love some advice from all of you. I love ballet, but I just can't keep on having this knee pain all the time.

  2. Hello,

    I have just started taking ballet lessons again. I did ballet for a couple of years when I was little, but stopped. Now I am 29 and got back to ballet, and I need to buy a leotard for class. As far as I remember it was good to wear leotards so the teacher could see how you are moving, so the question is should I buy straps leotard, short or long sleeve. The classroom is very cold, so I would like to buy the long sleeve one, but I don't Know if the teacher could see me right.

    Thanks for your advices and nice to meet you all!


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