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Posts posted by Thumper

  1. I'm about to start University in London, and my Uni has a Ballet Society which I'm really interested in joining. I did ballet for maybe a year when I was four/five years old and then dropped it, but I always loved to watch the professional ballet productions when they came to town. Now I've got the opportunity to learn again, I'd really like to try it. They cater for beginners as well as intermediate/advanced dancers, so I'm not worried about being out of my depth/starting a new activity.
    However. I have a metal screw holding my left heel together after I broke it in two when I fell out of a tree when I was eight. Thankfully, most of those problems have more or less cleared up for the meantime, but I also have four screws in my left hip after hip surgery when I was 13 (which was unsuccessful).
    I find certain movements quite awkward, and some lateral movements can be quite difficult for me to do, but I'm also going to join the Yoga Society with the hopes of increasing my flexibility to make things a little easier.
    My question is - how much of a problem do you think this might be? Obviously having limited movement isn't going to help, and I struggle to completely turn my feet out when I try first position because I can't rotate my hips all the way. Heavy landings on my heel aren't ideal, but I've adapted over the years to always land on the balls of my feet. I've also got very high arches which has made for some very interesting shoe fittings over the years since I struggle to find ones that fit me properly!
    Any advice? Could I still join the ballet society, or is it a bit of a silly idea? I'm not expecting to be some dance prodigy that improves at a rate of knots, but it would be quite nice to have a part in a production a few months/years down the line :) I'm 5ft 7inches though, so I suppose I'd be relegated to the back rows ^^
    Thank you for any advice in advance! I hope I haven't posted this in the wrong forum.

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