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Posts posted by BalletBloch

  1. One girl finished her time there in 2012 and went to Tring, another to Central, and another (who hadn't finished) transferred to YDA.

    The three final girls who were a year younger, finished this year and I believe one went to Central, another to Ballet West and another changed career paths.


    As all the students left, I'm not sure if it's still running, I don't know whether anyone else started.


    Give her an e-mail xx

    • Like 1
  2. Does anybody have the music to Odette's Solo in Act 1? But preferably a faster version..

    Hopefully this version?



    I have tried converting this file but the music goes very quiet.. 




    • Like 1
  3. GCSE is contemporary dance.. I wouldn't say it is either Graham, Cunningham, Release or Limon.. but it's their own representation of contemporary. You are marked on how you dance I believe, so I guess the school needs to show that they are teaching you, rather than just expecting to know how to dance. I guess it's part of the schools requirement. You wouldn't take a ballet exam, without taking a ballet class right? Obviously it won't be the best contemporary, and not vocational standard.. but remember schools have to do certain things in order to pass tests etc etc... If OFSTED came round and saw they were doing a Dance GCSE but no actual lessons in GCSE's version of Contemporary... I'm sure they would be concerned! Just my guess anyway! She should do them, to show people her talent and what she has learnt at her associate programme - It'll give her a confidence boost for sure! 


    - but of course, as Moomin said, this should be done by the teacher and during class time!!!

    However, I do remember using every lunch time at school to go through my GCSE choreography with other students; but that was my choice.

    • Like 4
  4. Contact Mary Goodhew, based at the British Ballet Organisation in Hammersmith. She has girls privately training there under the name of 'british Ballet Academy' and offers very, very, very good private lessons. 

    She was the Ballet Principal of White Lodge, before joining Elmhurst in Autumn 2004.

    • Like 2
  5. Has anybody experienced a pain just where the calf muscle meets the shin, on the outer side of their leg. It seems to be the muscle that connects the tendon from your ankle to your knee.

    It is absolute agony.

    When I stop dancing and rest, it goes away .. as soon as I start training heavily again, it reappears and nothing I do seems to help except rest.. but as a dancer, no-one likes to rest!!!! and if I rest, I know it'll just hurt again once I start.


    Has anyone had this problem before and know what the problem may be, or know any ways of relieving the pain?


  6. If not, she can always audition the next year. Schools like Tring and Elmhurst are more 'strict' with age requirements whereas Northern are very different. I know of a girl who received an offer from the college at the age of 18 and again 19, both offers with funding. Another dancer I knew got in at 17. So don't be disheartened if it all is too much in one year. I like that about Northern... it's more about your talent and potential rather than your age and how much you already know and can do, which is what I find with many schools

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  7. Where it is a degree course, for government funding reasons, they HAVE to have 30. Whereas before, it was around 12-15 girls. In order to receive the funding, they must have a certain amount. Bit of a shame. but also good news as some may say you now have more of a chance! 

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