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Twinkle toes

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Posts posted by Twinkle toes

  1. This thread has struck a chord with me. I am sorry to hear of all the dcs who have confidence issues but it has made me see that my dd is not alone. I know that I am obviously biased but she is such a lovely dancer and has a lot of potential. She always gets distinctions in her exams and has successfully applied for 4 associate schemes including RBs jas but she just doesn't see it. She always thinks she is the worst dancer in the class, the slowest to pick up steps and has the worst technique. My heart aches for her and I wonder where I have gone wrong as a parent that she doubts herself so much. Over the past 6 months she has decided that she doesn't want to do any more associate schemes or scholarships as she just feels out of her depth and I know this sounds totally melodramatic but I have found this really hard to deal with as I can see how talented she is. However I recognise that being in that emvironment just isn't right for her at the moment so I am trying my very best to support her. On the plus side she has started high school this year and is positively thriving. She seems to have developed a sporty streak that none of us expected and has been picked for hockey tennis and netball teams and is absolutely loving it as well as still really enjoying her dancing 3 times a week at her local school. Coincidentally as mentioned by others in the thread I have also thought that teaching the younger kids might be a good confidence boost for dd and something I might ask her teacher about. Ps I really do appreciate having this forum and the wonderful people who contribute to it. I don't post often but I find it a wealth of information.

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  2. Well, we have been to see Alice tonight at tamworth as a well done present to my daughter who has been accepted onto btuk associate program. I have to say it was a fantastic performance thoroughly enjoyed by me, my daughter and even my husband who normally attends ballet performances under sufference !! It was lively, fun, creative and beautifully danced. There were so many bits we enjoyed particularly where Alice shrinks and grows, the mad hatters tea party and the caterpillar. A great performance and my dd is now even more excited to start associates in September and has asked for nutcracker tickets for her birthday in October!!

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  3. Hi, just got back from holiday so not been on the forum for a while. I'm really pleased to say that it was a yes for my dd too, she has been offered a place on the level 1 course. She really enjoyed the audition and the staff seemed very friendly. Well done to everyone's children and students who also got a place, especially swan princess who sounds like a lovely young lady with a wonderful attitude :) and thanks again to everyone who gave me advice on my original question.

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  4. Hi I have been following this forum for a while now and have found it really useful and friendly. So here goes my first post and what is probably a really daft question but I will ask anyway as I don't know the answer!!! My dd is auditioning for an associate place on Sunday and the school she is auditioning for says the associate classes cover ballet, contemporary, jazz, variations and repertoire. Can anyone tell me what variations means and what she is likely to do in a variations class if she gets in? Also I presume repertoire means that they learn parts of actual ballets but as she is only 11 I am worried that would be too complicated and advanced for her?? Any advice welcome

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