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Posts posted by Ritaza

  1. Changing tack a little. As readers of other threads will have gathered, I began the Bolshoi season really willing Olga to be an artiste to treasure and follow with interest in the years to come. But I have actually found it difficult to appreciate her as others clearly do. I should be really interested and grateful to learn from her admirers what it is that makes her special to you. What am I missing? What should I be looking for in her Swan Lake?

    For me Olga is quite like no other ballerina I’ve seen, although she has qualities peculiar to some of my favourite. My experience of watching her is not unlike my experience of watching Gelsey Kirkland at her finest which I can only describe as transcendental. Smirnova’s sharp jaw line and startling eyes give her a wild and otherworldly appearance  that I find mesmerising especially in Swan Lake where she seems to capture the essence of the fated and desperate Odette. For me however, it was her perceptive understanding of the ‘Diamonds’ pas de deux (and her dedication to the coaching process) that really brought her to my attention. I had waited years (decades?) to see it danced with such revere. Thank you Olga.  

  2. In case anyone has missed the news - Wednesday's Mayerling will be both Cojocaru and Kobborg's final performance with the Royal Ballet. Good luck to anyone trying to get a last-minute ticket, they'll be like gold dust!

    I've had fairly rotten luck lately with tickets an cancellations...but the gods must have been on my side when I booked those tickets for THE 5th Joy of joys!  :D

  3. I've found some of Polunin's recent comments about only dancing for the money and ballet being absurd pretty disrespectful to both the audience and his colleagues. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but he's not doing himself any favours with these comments.

    Yes I was also saddened and indeed puzzled  by the comments. On one side of the stage you have his “comments” and on the other, a young artist whose performances (for me) are deeply sincere and show a deep respect for his craft. A schism perhaps

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